
eventually Elon is going to cross some invisible line and force the DoD to notice all his bullshit in an official bureaucratic sense and i cannot wait
SpaceX has defense contracts and also even if they didn't, real serious rocketry is firmly within the realm of ITAR, the DoD giving your senior engineers a list of countries they must never visit, and generals whom nuclear missiles reading your product roadmaps, so that line absolutely does exist
Ever since my team got re-org’d and our purview changed to include satellites, I’ve become more and more surprised that no one has shitcanned Elon/SpaceX already, because the rules there require pretty actively thinking about them with every action you take, which Elon clearly isn’t doing.
I kind of assume that they just really, really don't want to have to go back to relying on ULA and Northrup for everything since by all accounts they were *terrible* before SpaceX forced them to get off their asses and do real r&d again
Yeah, and I really do think there was a point in time when SpaceX was doing incredible work. There’s still engineers there who want to do good work when they’re allowed to. They’ve single-handedly brought down the cost to put things in LEO, and that’s fucking awesome.
astronauts must be punished not encouraged
don't worry we're mostly firing computers into space rather than people, and that's just sensible imo the fewer computers down here with us the better
ok it’s not throwing them in the ocean but i’ll take it
the fishes don't deserve to have computers inflicted on them, whereas the space aliens *do* deserve it for not coming down and taking away our nukes
And for not teaching us how to do socialism. Don’t forget that.
Sorry, I’m shamelessly An Astronaut Enthusiast and not even your disapproval can sway me
it’s ok you can admire them and i can hunt them
wait being hunted is a punishment?
oh no… are they all subs in those rocket capsules… confined spaces, restrictive suits, peeing in their silly suits with lots of closures… gdi gdi… i need to find a better system for the astronaut problem