Justin McElroy

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Justin McElroy


Municipal Affairs Reporter for CBC Vancouver. Strives to tell unique stories.
[email protected]
what is the best souvenir i’ve gotten on this trip and why is it the vancouver canucks starting lineup as nesting dolls i just picked up in prague
oh so when michael does it it’s “prestige journalism” but when i do it it’s midlife crisis this and overly obsessive that
i am trying to have a year full of wonder and the breadth of the world and earnest contemplation about humanity and too many of you are ruining that by messaging me about ken sim’s gym
Here’s my travel diary from Spain and Portugal, where I enjoyed many tapas, many trains, and may have caused a teensy tiny problem during the biggest international art story of the month justinmcelroy.substack.com/p/52-countri...
52 Countries in 52 Weeks, Chapter 9: Spain & Portugaljustinmcelroy.substack.com In Which I Almost Cause A Teensy Scene At A Massive Art Event, And Learn To Stop Worrying And Love Tapas
does spain use blackmail to stop countries from having tapas because that’s the only explanation i can think of for not having bars that serve instant gourmet finger food for three bucks
the new westminster lobby is more powerful than i ever realized
someone sent me a longwinded message saying i was doing a bad job at travelling, and said “the sum of a country is more than its trains” fact check: false, trains determine 1000% of a country’s worth
you tell me last august that’s going to be the canucks season and i take that 100 out of 100 times what a fun team to have cheered for
order a pizza and pop to watch a canucks playoff game called by chris cuthbert, because apparently it’s 2003 and i am a teenager again
A new entry in the travel diary, featuring: pedestrian-only streets! Machu Picchu reminding me of my favourite ghost town! The universality of colonialism and joys of travelling alone! look nobody promised this trip would change my interests justinmcelroy.substack.com/p/52-countri...
52 Countries in 52 Weeks, Part 6: Puerto Rico, Peru & Chilejustinmcelroy.substack.com In Which I Go From Travelling Alone To Travelling With Many, And Where Latin America’s History Unexpectedly Connects Me To Home
Overtime playoff hockey normally: win or lose this is what we live for Overtime playoff hockey when I’m in Argentina and it’s already 2am: wait oh no
very rude of delta and kamloops to be having big politics while i’m gone thought i was very clear that in my absence councils could only pass basic bylaw ordinances
Canucks and Oilers meet in the playoffs for the first time since I was 5 and I’m out of the country? It’s almost as disappointing as living in a city where your greatest attraction is the river valley.
Here’s my story on my time in Colombia! It’s about perceptions and realities, beautiful geographies, and a lovely drive I had with a local and his niece. justinmcelroy.substack.com/p/52-countri...
52 Countries in 52 Weeks, Part 5: Colombiajustinmcelroy.substack.com In Which I Love The Varied Geography, And Consider The Recent Tumultuous History
Reposted byAvatar Justin McElroy
After a marvelous life and a peerless career, after all those moments we can all replay on our minds, after becoming the sound of hockey in Canada, Bob Cole is going home. We’ll hear him forever. www.thestar.com/sports/leafs...
Bruce Arthur: Bob Cole was the voice of hockey, and he became a part of the country in a way few ever canwww.thestar.com The longtime “Hockey Night in Canada” broadcaster died Wednesday at the age of 90.
Reposted byAvatar Justin McElroy
Here’s my travel diary on going through the United States of America. It had a different and more personal meaning than the rest of the trip, so I hope you won’t mind a few personal stories. justinmcelroy.substack.com/p/52-countri...
52 Countries in 52 Weeks, Part 3: Americajustinmcelroy.substack.com In Which I Get To Live Out The Dreams Of My Childhood, And Wonder About Where It’s All Headed
me figuring currency conversions in each country so far america: add like 33% to it mexico: take off the last number, then reduce it by another 20% or so colombia: am i a millionaire now
Happy World Autism Awareness Day. I’m incredibly grateful that I’m able to live out my dreams. May you treat the autistic people in your life in such a way that they can do the same.
My first travel diary! I figured before things begin, I should talk a little bit about why I decided to travel, how I planned things, and what questions I hope to answer.
52 Countries in 52 Weeks, Part 1: Leavingopen.substack.com In Which I Explain Why I’m Going On This Adventure, And What I Hope To Find Out
Alright, it’s time to wrap things up. I’ll be getting on a train to Toronto at 3pm, and I'll likely be doing very little posting from here in the year ahead. But if you want to follow along on my travels, here’s where to find me.
big, exciting, terrifying thing starts tomorrow what a place to start off from