Dr. Fruits R. Edible PhD

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Dr. Fruits R. Edible PhD


Pinball Quest speed run world record holder

Listen to my loud ambient noise at travelbytrain.bandcamp.com
What's better than a band with 2 drummers? Why a band with 3 drummers of course! Hypnodrone Ensemble is great droning post-shoegaze krautrock. AKA a band built in a lab for me to love. #BandcampFindOfTheDay hypnodroneensemble.bandcamp.com/album/the-pr...
The Problem Is In The Sender - Do Not Tamper With The Receiver, by Hypnodrone Ensemblehypnodroneensemble.bandcamp.com 5 track album
Stop showing happy people. I want to see sad Corey Perry and Evander Kane.
cm punk and jeff tiedrich are the same to me, personally
┏┓ ┃┃╱╲in this ┃╱╱╲╲ice cream shop ╱╱╭╮╲╲we buy ▔▏┗┛▕▔ hot bean soup ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲ ╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲ ▔▏┗┻┛┃┃┗┻┛▕▔
Some of you have never bought hot bean soup from an ice cream parlor and it shows
Aidan Latham is an experimental improvisational krautrocker that turns what could be very odd music into catchy droning tracks. #BandcampFindOfTheDay aidanlatham.bandcamp.com/album/hello-...
Hello Tarmac / Who Could Know, by Aidan Lathamaidanlatham.bandcamp.com 2 track album
Is Eyemo a real band? Am I getting duped into sharing this? Not sure. But it's very good dreamy shoegaze from somewhere and I can't identify any of the tracks with various software, so here's hoping. #BandcampFindOfTheDay eyemo.bandcamp.com/album/eyemo
Eyemo, by Eyemoeyemo.bandcamp.com 13 track album
PEACH is one of my favorite discoveries in the last year. An Indonesian hardcore band that's released 4 singles/EPs and every single one of them is an absolute force. #BandcampFindOfTheDay peachoftoday.bandcamp.com/album/2024-m...
2024(maxi-single), by PEACHpeachoftoday.bandcamp.com 2 track album
Mods are asleep, post rantch
Why yes, I'm finally have a slowish day at work so I'm dumping a lot of cool music to catch up on a "daily" music project that I'm starting to regret starting.
Ontario musician Allister Thompson has loads of projects. The latest under the Khan Tengri moniker is a slick, dreamy psychedelic rock opera about leaving the planet after an apocalyptic event. #BandcampFindOfTheDay thegatelessgate.bandcamp.com/album/apocal...
Apocalypse Man, by Khan Tengrithegatelessgate.bandcamp.com 6 track album
French band Sodom & Sagesse morphs atonal industrial electronica noise into driving rhythmic songs. Industrial math rock? Works for me. #BandcampFindOfTheDay reversetapes.bandcamp.com/album/berzin...
Berzingue, by Sodom & Sagessereversetapes.bandcamp.com 6 track album
Quick Response Orchestra keeps in the world of psychedelic music, though this Italian group adds their psych on top of a free jazz base for some really fun weirdness. #BandcampFindOfTheDay qrorchestra.bandcamp.com/album/identit
Identità, by Quick Response Orchestraqrorchestra.bandcamp.com 10 track album
It's Friday, work is dumb, so why not get swept up in the ambient psychedelic drone of skullflower this fine morning. #BandcampFindOfTheDay skullflower.bandcamp.com/album/damp-m...
Damp Meadow Sutra, by skullflowerskullflower.bandcamp.com 2 track album
The wonderfully named Witch Bolt came out with a dungeon synth album on the extremely dark ambient side of the spectrum. It slowly pulsates with a dark, foreboding energy. #BandcampFindOfTheDay witchbolt1.bandcamp.com/album/amaymo...
Amaymon King of the East, by Witch Boltwitchbolt1.bandcamp.com 3 track album
Ever wonder what Rush would sound like as a no wave/post punk band? Then listen to the debut album from Swan Wash to find out. #BandcampFindOfTheDay swanwash.bandcamp.com/album/shadow...
Shadow Shadow, by Swan Washswanwash.bandcamp.com 9 track album
This covers album by Yohei is great. A very fun and interesting selection of songs played in their very distinct country folk style. #BandcampFindOfTheDay perpetualdoom.bandcamp.com/album/covers
Covers, by Yoheiperpetualdoom.bandcamp.com 10 track album
This single from Australian band Casual Fan garnered an instant follow from me. It's delicate indie pop with a touch of warm warble. #BandcampFindOfTheDay casualfan.bandcamp.com/album/sun-si...
sun/sideways, by Casual Fancasualfan.bandcamp.com 2 track album
Time for another dump of great bandcamp finds now that work has mellowed a bit. Starting today off with Nicholas FC's lovely take on slacker chamber folk. #BandcampFindOfTheDay nicholasfc.bandcamp.com/album/rough-...
Rough Around The Edges, by Nicholas FCnicholasfc.bandcamp.com 12 track album
Do you want to be a true hero and be the person to hit the 69th track played today? mountsignal.bandcamp.com/album/dragon...
Listen to this cool metal album my friend and I made. You won't be disappointed! And if you are, that's on you.
Mount Signal released a metal concept album about the board game Dragonmaster. Is one of my friends the main person behind the band? Yes. Am I on it too? Also yes. But I'm pretty proud of how it sounds. #BandcampFindOfTheDay mountsignal.bandcamp.com/album/dragon...
Dragonmaster, by Mount Signalmountsignal.bandcamp.com 12 track album
Mount Signal released a metal concept album about the board game Dragonmaster. Is one of my friends the main person behind the band? Yes. Am I on it too? Also yes. But I'm pretty proud of how it sounds. #BandcampFindOfTheDay mountsignal.bandcamp.com/album/dragon...
Dragonmaster, by Mount Signalmountsignal.bandcamp.com 12 track album
Finnish atmospheric drone band Samane hits all the rights note on their latest album. And those notes are hit slowly as they linger and swirl in an ambient haze. #BandcampFindOfTheDay samane.bandcamp.com/album/solstice
Solstice, by Šamanesamane.bandcamp.com 6 track album
Australian band title on the screen are a raucous slacker rock band whose true aural beauty lies in how "bad" it all sounds. It's all oddly touching and earnest too. #BandcampFindOfTheDay titleonthescreen.bandcamp.com/album/attic-...
attic tapes (2024 remaster), by title on the screentitleonthescreen.bandcamp.com 9 track album
Awkward Dancer is a Filipino band that is a little too clean to be shoegaze and a little too slow to be post-hardcore. I think their tag of grungegaze is pretty spot on. #BandcampFindOfTheDay awkwarddancerph.bandcamp.com/album/awkwar...
Awkward Dancer V.s. The Harmless Devil, by Awkward Dancerawkwarddancerph.bandcamp.com 8 track album