
please notice also that while "defending" faerself against something nobody said, (weird choice), fae also went out of faer way to downplay the threat of state surveillance *per se.* doing fed work *for free* when you're supposedly NOT an "infiltrator" is some seriously devoted bootlicking
i specifically said i DIDN'T think anonsee was "surveilling us," bc fae're not an "infiltrator," fae're just a slithering abuser fed who's drawn to jobs that give faer power. what i said was that faer job negates the possibility of faer having any real-life anarchist links. fae're a larping abuser.
it's actually MORE pathetic to do cop work you're not even getting paid for, just for the love of the game, just for the sake of feeling powerful & putting yourself in a position of power over those you dangle your supposed "insider cop knowledge" over. 40% of cops, as they say!
anyway, there's people facing serious prison time for the george floyd protests. there's people still in prison for ELF & ALF actions taken during the 90s. there's climate activists out there RIGHT NOW risking prison time for the planet. do not let anyone tell you state surveillance is not a threat
perhaps most despicable about anonsee downplaying the threat of state surveillance is that there's people out there risking serious prison time RIGHT NOW for the sake of interfering with the defense contractors supplying weapons the Palestinian genocide. anonsee works for a defense contractor.