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anarchist. sad and angry all the time. transfeminism enjoyer. they/them.

read some stuff:
Reposted byAvatar narcissus
personally if someone accused me of abusing my roommates my defense would not be "well i don't see you saving them from me!!!"
Reposted byAvatar narcissus
loving yet another round of “leftists doing abuse spologia, leftistly” bc they like the abuser
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talking about an abuser that was at the time getting glowing fucking press from all quarters for their noble work defending themselves and actively recruiting more vulnerable trans women to their compound is not fucking GOSSIP you goddamn ghoul
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"No no, my sexual conduct with a much younger woman i had just employed was consensual" Please, for the love of fuck, fuck off into the ether forever.
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Very much not. He was apoplectic against the survivor on at least two occasions when an academic friend of his was called out for rape or sexual harassment. Very explicit "how dare a sniveling little student of no worth challenge a famous professor?!!!!" stuff.
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Anonsee could benefit from reading pan-Africanists to better understand why Bill has the right to be suspicious about anonsee's ties to the state.
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Even without the LinkedIn leak, anonsee already admitted to taking money and working for CVE industry several times. Yes, anonsee may be writing (anti)racism analyses about white supremacists at home, but that doesn't negate what the CVE industry does in Africa and Asia.
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Sound familiar? Makes me think of Kairi and Samantha Burns. It's no wonder people tried to accuse me of being a psyop. That's exactly what they appeared to be (whether they actually were or not). Like I said, if I was a psyop, I would get along with everyone and find my way into your discords.
håkan managed to slip a little reference to it into their zine about affinity fraud lol
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Nietzsche *wanted* Romano-Greek "master morality" back!!! He is a reactionary at þe very least and I hate þat people whitewash him!!!
personally i dislike nietzsche too and think he gets way too much credit for NOT being lowkey fascist/masculinist
Reposted byAvatar narcissus
re: the "tech-trans" - lol i worked in tech for like almost 20 years and i never made anywhere near $100k in a year. not every tech job pays 6 figures lol
Pretty sure Amilcar Cabral was referencing Fidel Castro liquidating his family's plantations, not whatever this is.
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foucault and rape are something of an iconic duo
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MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Google falling short of important climate target, cites electricity needs of AI.
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Wonder if anybody ever considered theorizing some sort of rentier class?
it's not ALWAYS the case that popular accounts who turn out to be abusers are always also wealthy ruling class larpers pretending to be one of us poors, but it has happened at least twice now and that's interesting isnt it?
being a class traitor is when you continue to benefit from your class position and wealth, but use it to financially entrap vulnerable people of a lower class that you then have enormous power over and they can't say no to you
Pretty sure Amilcar Cabral was referencing Fidel Castro liquidating his family's plantations, not whatever this is.
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A job I was looking forward to just fell through because I requested a very basic “please don’t feed my work into the AI garbage chute pls” clause in the contract That was apparently against company policy and non-negotiable If anyone needs a book cover I have an opening in my schedule
wow, standing on principle sure is expensive
"i know its sexism, but i'm going to do it anyway because people are rightfully disdainful of liberal language policing'" (read: women taking issue with men prioritizing themselves as the main characters of the universe.) your politics are incoherent & chauvinistic in multiple senses of the word.
I'm not a flag waver myself but I speak to the audience I have. They joined for those values, but are they upholding them? I know it's a sexist construction, myself, but most folks are rightfully disdainful of liberal language policing (designed to backfire), break a twig of a taboo, it's relatable.
i've had anonsee blocked on all social for a year and a half, so faer saying "i'm watching your social media enough to keep track of everyone you interact with" is funny especially in combination with "i'm not surveilling anyone" lol
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The scummy "support org for parents to trans children", Bayswater Support Group, which is a transphobic conservative hate lobby with connections to Christian fundamentalists has been exposed as heavily influencing UK government policy on trans matters:
The parents group at the centre of a rollback of trans A Conservative MP enlisted Bayswater Support Group in push back on trans education in schools
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At least being on Bsky we've been spared the people calling anti-abuse moralism like we fucking cared what those weasely predators thought about anarchism.
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Anonsee: "each and every ex was a crazy bitch" Root cause analysis: 🤔
anyway, reminder that not every abuser suffers from an apparently pathological inability to stop posting the most self-incriminating anime villain monologues ever put to words on main, and it is still crucial to learn to identify and build resilience against abuse apologia.
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Gleeful + purposeful misrepresentation of history and texts ✅️ Massively reactionary ideology targeting vulnerable people ✅️ Taking money to ensure the continuance of American terror campaigns ✅️ The most dogshit readings ✅️ Self-aggrandizing victim narratives ✅️ Anonsee is running for the Supreme Court
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"She pretended to lose consciousness and not remember"
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"She didn't actually cum so it can't be assault"
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I’m jamal from gaza and I always say this the last hope for my family because we lost literally everything, I hope to help or repost if you can 💔
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All feds should fuck off
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it’s actually super good to chase off users who call the people they assaulted “strangulation girl”
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if you see either of the two accs mentioned commenting somewhere, resist the urge to get into a fight with them and show them more grace than you might be inclined to otherwise
Someone who uses another's misfortune to excuse or defend their behavior is despicable. It's almost like they're unwittingly describing a hostage situation and by tagging faer roommates reminding them how they're dependent on faer so it also reads like a threat. This is not what a good person does.
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