
HEY HELP you know how you say "My fellow Americans" or "My fellow writers" is there a not-gendered word I can use there? I realize that it's supposedly gender neutral but I wish for a gender inclusive choice. did anyone ever coin something?
That's a tricky one, because although there are various nouns that could replace "fellow" the noun (companions, associates, colleagues), here, "fellow" is being used as an adjective not a noun, and something like "associate" doesn't work in that context. E.g. "My associate writers" sounds weird.
I might go for something like "My writers-in-arms", but that has a military connotation that some people might prefer to avoid.
Incidentally, I'm pretty sure that "fellow" as an adjective rather than a noun *is* gender-neutral. But I'm guessing you're wanting to avoid both the actuality and the impression of gendered language, so that may not be relevant in this case?
I once had to give a speech at a writers' awards event, and wanted to avoid "Ladies and gentleman," so went with, "Dear writers, editors, agents..."
yes. it's exactly that: the actuality and the impression.
Yup, that makes sense! (And the adjective probably derives from the noun, so one could argue it still carries a connotation of gender.) Fascinating question, anyway. I've been racking my brain!