C. L. Polk

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C. L. Polk


I write stuff. I knit stuff. I cook stuff. Ask me about my weird little books. https://clpolk.link/
975 words. every single one was a struggle because I am dragging myself kicking and screaming to one of fiction's hardest boss battles - the part where the perfumer and the vampire rockstar kiss for the first time, but also with shaved legs and matchy matchy underwear stakes
Actually, no, 1094 words today And I must be coming up on the midpoint because this is the stupidest book I have ever written, I actually told people I was writing this, oh my god
Actually, no, 1094 words today And I must be coming up on the midpoint because this is the stupidest book I have ever written, I actually told people I was writing this, oh my god
Only about 500 words because I got distracted when I wrote about Ivo turning on a playlist called Maneater Jock Jams while she rollerset her hair and put on the laciest matchy matchy underwear because I decided on the spot that I needed that playlist track 1 is Eartha Kitt - I Want to Be Evil
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Self-care is essential, but what about those times when you're so emotionally distressed that even self-care feels impossible? That's when you need to turn to: ✨self-soothing✨ Self-soothing isn't a reward or a treat, it's a necessity to be able to continue on your day effectively.
Look at this message. Look at your desk. Is there a hydrating beverage there? do you have stretches you try to do every day? do you need to stretch? Walk around for a bit, take the time to unclench and relax what's tense?
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They really meant it when they said they wanted to go back to traditional European values huh
so great that Europe's doing this again with the diseases
Only about 500 words because I got distracted when I wrote about Ivo turning on a playlist called Maneater Jock Jams while she rollerset her hair and put on the laciest matchy matchy underwear because I decided on the spot that I needed that playlist track 1 is Eartha Kitt - I Want to Be Evil
I have forgotten to post updates over the lsat couple of days but I'm going to bed with 1324 words since my last report 47k. I need to move it.
I have forgotten to post updates over the lsat couple of days but I'm going to bed with 1324 words since my last report 47k. I need to move it.
647 words. It's a start. Let's see where we go tomorrow.
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Crazy to me that anyone is having a conversation about whether Biden should step aside and not which of the Roberts Gang of Six should be under federal investigation tomorrow.
Indeed. Here's one from 1980. www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFwo...
my dear baby queers chappell roan is lovely, sure but i promise she didn't invent the concept of dykey lyrics there have been entire ass decades before 2024 (or "I listened to chappell roan before 2024," which seems to be a competitive sport in some sectors now?) if you can believe it
A lot of people here didn't have to enlist to have a snowball's chance in hell of getting a better education or even three square meals and a roof. A lot of people who served were maneuvered into it by dickenesian levels of social support and equity. so congratulations, i guess?
Lot of people on here seem to assume that the US military is basically as bad as US police when it comes to “being totally dominated by frothing MAGA freaks.” This is absolutely NOT the case.
Thank you all so much. As you know, I decided not to crowdfund for Glasgow because i felt that it would be irresponsible, but I went to 4th Street Fantasy this year, and seeing my people there *gave me strength.* I am so glad you did this for Zin. Thank you. Would you care to chip in for lunch?
Hey, Zin A. Rocklyn was slogging through shit and broken glass this year to get to the middle of July when she could have the refuge of being with her people at ReaderCon and Camp NeoCon this month. That rug got pulled yesterday. But we can help:
Fund Teri Clarke's Mental Health Boosting Trip, organized by Teri Clarkewww.gofundme.com hello I am coming to you with my heart in my hands as I *need* this to … Teri Clarke needs your support for Fund Teri Clarke's Mental Health Boosting Trip
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Hi everyone! One *extremely meaningful* thing you can do to fight back is to join library boards. Usually this is an appointed position, not elected. The time commitment for most public library board members is 1-2 hours monthly. I'm a former library director. Ask me anything.
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The panels I'm supposed to be on with Zin A. Rocklyn at Readercon just wouldn't be the same without her, so let's see if we can get her there, OK?
Hey, Zin A. Rocklyn was slogging through shit and broken glass this year to get to the middle of July when she could have the refuge of being with her people at ReaderCon and Camp NeoCon this month. That rug got pulled yesterday. But we can help:
Fund Teri Clarke's Mental Health Boosting Trip, organized by Teri Clarkewww.gofundme.com hello I am coming to you with my heart in my hands as I *need* this to … Teri Clarke needs your support for Fund Teri Clarke's Mental Health Boosting Trip
Recently a friend gently reminded me that I should *tell people* when I am going to an event sometime before I'm literally packing to attend the event, so: I'm going to be a facilitator at a writing retreat in Caroline, AB:
WGA Fall Writers’ Retreat 2024 (in-person retreat)writersguild.ca
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They need a new self help book for companies called “how to solve all your problems by giving up on that product no one wants.”
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Google falling short of important climate target, cites electricity needs of AI.
Oh, hell. I put my surprised face in the wash.
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Google falling short of important climate target, cites electricity needs of AI.
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An unfriendly reminder: IDGAF if some loser weirdos are talking shit about me online, do not message me about it or send me links. I absolutely, do not give a Kentucky Fried Fuck about them. I’m out here living & not wasting time to some one sided internet beef. Do the same.
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Also it turns out that none of us can be experts at everything, but most of us can be experts at SOMETHING. This obsession we've developed with everyone going 100% on all issues at all time is very inefficient. Specialize. Do the best at your thing, and then let others tell you how to help theirs.
Really cannot emphasize enough the emotional benefit of picking a spot where you can have an outsize impact and digging in to really work on it in addition to your other efforts. My contributions to protecting anonymity online have been SUCH a motivator for avoiding despair.
Hey, Zin A. Rocklyn was slogging through shit and broken glass this year to get to the middle of July when she could have the refuge of being with her people at ReaderCon and Camp NeoCon this month. That rug got pulled yesterday. But we can help:
Fund Teri Clarke's Mental Health Boosting Trip, organized by Teri Clarkewww.gofundme.com hello I am coming to you with my heart in my hands as I *need* this to … Teri Clarke needs your support for Fund Teri Clarke's Mental Health Boosting Trip
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I regularly meet people who learn for the first time about the ocean biodiversity crisis, and immediately, confidently, and wrongly say what we need to do to fix it. I tell them to instead find people who already know what to do and help them, not to reinvent the wheel. This is an election subtweet
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I don't know who needs to hear this right now, but: Please don't waste time picking fights w/ people who basically agree with you, and just differ on semantics. If today has reminded us of anything, it's that democracy is at stake. One side wants to end it. One side doesn't.
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Remember when it came out that the Trump White House staff was moving massive weight in heavy drugs through the private pharmacy? Like wild amounts of straight fentanyl
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i want to add: if you’ve stopped masking for whatever reason, you can start again. it makes spaces more accessible, it helps preserve your health and the health of the people around you. it’s a tiny action you can take to make the world safer.
"If only I could do something that would have a positive impact on the world-" You can. Mask up.
It's absolutely fucking ignorant. they're every bit as bad as those american asshats who screamed about how they wanted haircuts after a couple of weeks of staying home to prevent people from dying. Give them convenience and everyone else death. All my scorn to scabs.
funny how Canadians talk about unions and strikes. Never disrupt the normal workings of the business, inconvenience customers, or make any waves at all. If a strike happens immediately call on the government to intervene. A completely warped view of what collective action should be.
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Respectfully: If you're on Bluesky right now screaming that Pride Month will be abolished, Trump will be declared king, America is forever ruined: Log off. You are entitled to your feelings, and it's better to let them out than not. But *Do Not Do Death Magic On The Emotional Contagion App.*
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Hi! I'm going to yell about something you can get on Romancing the Vote: 1 hour of Kate Elliott's time on your worldbuilding. It's currently a steal at just over $100. it shoudl be three times that, easily. www.32auctions.com/organization...
1-Hour Worldbuilding Consult w/ Kate Elliottwww.32auctions.com Auction item '1-Hour Worldbuilding Consult w/ Kate Elliott' hosted online at 32auctions.
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You can actually BUY stuff, because we have a special "not a crime" link that earmarks the money for community initiatives that help people with non-political obstacles!!! And some ships worldwide. ;)