
Say what you will about the various Democratic party actors in the fight over whether Biden stays on the ticket, but I can understand all of their behavior much better than I can the journalists who are trying to write their way into the camps
I actually genuinely think he thinks Biden can't beat Trump, and he wants to use his platform to contribute to the pressure campaign to get Biden to step down. They don't want to be in the camps but feel like a simple candidate switch is enough to prevent them.
As someone who works in news media: yes and no. Media types really want to appear to appear smarter than everyone else, and so will adopt unpopular and controversial positions because they upset the most people, and if they are upsetting people, they must be right.
You don't need very sophisticated logic to see that sometimes everyone is just mad at you because you're being a dipshit, not because you're telling hard truths
No, but it is a common attitude for a lot of people. Finding truth is hard, platitudes are easy.