
Posters wrong about politics? inconceivable!
The thing a lot of posters don’t get is that what the Biden campaign did over the last week is exactly the right way to handle a bad performance.
The thing to remember is that posters with their hair on fire were completely wrong in 2016, 2020 and 2022
Pick me a substacker, poster or podcaster and I'll show you the Red Wave/Biden is done 2020 edition/Clinton has this you bed-wetters post of choice
The common thread here is to *not* light your hair on fire, and try and maintain a sense of perspective been events in the text box, the TV box, and the ballot box.
I'm thinking about the next three plus months and the potential for ongoing problems. He's taking a big risk with our lives.
No he isn’t. You are. You’re risking things by giving undecided voters a permission structure to not vote for Biden. “Even democrats don’t think he can do the job.”
That's absolute nonsense. Undecideds are basing nothing off what I write here. You're absolutely delusional if you believe this.
You are contributing to the general vibe that undecideds respond to. No your specific pants pissing isn’t going to change any minds. The flood of piss from people like you is what they respond to. It was literally something never trumpers said in 2016 about HRC.
Again, pure nonsense. You're lying to yourself just as badly as the weirdos who blame Bernie for 2016.