Cloud's Strife

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Cloud's Strife

Climber, reader, skier, runner

Seeing a lot of reactions to some very normal, anodyne candidate answers.
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I'm not watching the Stephanopoulos interview closely, but someone here has it on and he keeps asking what Biden thinks of articles that have been published in the last week. If I wanted to watch the press jack off, I know how to find porn online, thank you
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There is room here for good faith disagreement, but if you think I'm lying about having followed what Biden said during the debate just fine, ignoring that his other public appearances, and taking a different stance from Fetterman's stroke, that's bad faith, sorry!
dystopian Domino's pizza coupon
The surest way to lose an election is to never stop talking about how you hate the candidate and develop elaborate, anti-democratic Rube Goldberg machinations for a nominee with no national coalition to speak of.
If 'party insiders' spent more time taking to voters about Trump's comments on "after" "birth" abortions and "black jobs"; and less time texting columnists about their hurt feelings, we might be able to keep a functioning democracy this fall.
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A Second Trump Term Will Usher In Deadly White Supremacist Christofascism According to Explicit Manifesto vs. No It Won’t
even trump’s campaign staff (i assume he didn’t write this) knows that the reactionary, authoritarian agenda that’s project 2025 is going to be unpopular with the average voter.
Or Whitmer, or Warren, or
i think of some y'all are being entirely too naive about the type of coverage harris would get
A number of ostensibly progressive posters finding voters as an impediment to their political project— should take a beat on what their goals really are.
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#Metoo ruined lives: the women’s. For the summer issue of Bookforum, I wrote about Christine Blasey Ford’s memoir “One Way Back,” the aftermath of disclosure, and what it means to be a public survivor when storytelling has proven futile.
Disposable Christine Blasey Ford’s memoir captures the hazards of “coming forward” – Moira Donegan
The thing about the reactionary politics of racial exclusion, is that it always ratchets downwards, into smaller and smaller concentric circles of in-groups to vest power over larger and larger masses of out-group.
Meanwhile over at the Telegraph, a leader writer wonders if a community taking part in the democratic process means its time to stop "handing citizenship out" to them. The absolute state of this.
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i have paused and thought “wtf” so many times already wow
Cannot stress enough that the popular internet coding of progressive, politically engaged adult women as ‘cringe’—is leftwing misogyny in action.
cringe wine moms have been the single most effective political organizers in the country since Trump was elected and I will die on this hill they are Good, Actually
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Real “after Hitler, us” hours in Radical Left Discourse these days
Constructing elaborate Rube Goldberg machinations to avoid putting a black woman at the top of the ticket, progressively
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Same behavior, same pattern. People watch leaders for cues on how it's acceptable to behave
Newspapers are doing Acela corridor fanfic and it’s genuinely embarrassing.
President Biden’s guiding principle for jumping into the 2020 presidential race was that he was the only person who could beat then-President Donald Trump. Now, if Biden is to jump out of the race, he will have to decide he is no longer that person.
How will this end? It’s all up to Biden, allies Polling, support and donations would have to further worsen — and then lawmakers would have to step in for Biden to exit, allies and advisers say.
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Hey, don’t get mad at me if you’re helping to ratfuck Joe Biden. You should be mad at yourself for being played by these clowns AGAIN.
Just to be clear, the only place Joe Biden’s candidacy is “in question” is on New York Times’ opinion page
The industry wide lack of moral clarity at the editorial level is unironically how democracy dies.
In case you're curious where the Heritage Foundation's warning that we were in the midst of a "second American revolution" that would only remain "bloodless" if the left allowed it to be ran... page 20
What specifically frustrates me is that this exact strategy was attempted in 2016, and the “profit” step literally was the election of Joe Biden.
1. Destroy the democrats 2. Elect Trump 3. ???? 4. Profit The DSA and Billionaires have the same theory of the case.
Satire without moral clarity is solipsist agitprop.
I think it’s instructive that the last time (predominantly white, middle-class) satirists were good was the Bush administration.
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The reality is that most voters in America don't have cohesive political desires, don't know what is or is not political, and are largely tuned into jokes, memes, and vibes if they're tuned in at all. They don't exactly sit around and think long, deep thoughts to make sure their views are cohesive.
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That's to be expected, but it's really disheartening to see people like Quinta, Rick Hasen and Steve Vladeck *also* refusing to acknowledge why Roberts did this. If non-conservative legal pundits and academics don't get it, they're not going to be able to help the public get it.
I see we are reaching the ‘Podesta Risotto recipe’ stage of the agitprop propaganda cycle.
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A free and independent press is the beating heart of American democracy.
Founders would be legitimately dumbfounded by how slavishly deferential newspapers are to our most powerful citizens
The Creation of the Media, by Paul
We used to be a proper country
as the surviving confederates cut and ran, union officers picked up confederate battle flags that had fallen in combat and rode circles around the rebels, dragging the flags in the mud and blood behind their horses
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