
Unless you're a congregant (or something similar), protesting synagogues will - always - backfire badly. It's a dumb thing to do, even if you can find justifications. Protesting synagogues will only confirm people's suspicions that you're an antisemite.
I appreciate the logic of this, but I think any synagogue hosting occupied territory real estate agents should be massively shamed, and anyone who agrees should defend non-congregants from charges of bad optics
Can you show me evidence that they were selling real estate in occupied territory? Because I’ve read that claim but read others saying the sites were all within the Green Line.
I wondered if people were protesting sales of land in Israel generally, which would not be widely seen by the American public as objectionable, or the sale of land in the occupied territories, which should shock the conscience. Per reporting by Curbed, My Home in Israel provides the latter.
The Disastrous ‘Great Israeli Real Estate Event’ A tour meant to sell homes in Israel and the West Bank to Americans has not gone as smoothly as planned.
Even if it was inside the Green Line,you do not desecrate the House of G_d by making it a market.. "You made the House of my father into a den of thieves."
My synagogue does a silent auction as a fund raiser, is that a desecration?
No. It is for a good cause.
Quoting the Christian Bible, and a verse that has long been interpreted in antisemitic ways, is certainly A Choice when arguing that there's nothing antisemitic about protesting at a synagogue.
For the record though, synagogues are not really considered "houses of G-d" the way the Holy Temple was - they have always been community centers that include more profane events along with prayer and study.
Except the demonstrators did not protest against (and most probably did not care about) a desecration of the synagogue so you are a bad faith actor and your argument is a red herring.
Quick question, where is that quote from?