Claire Fayers

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Claire Fayers

I write fantasy adventures for 8-12 year-olds. Love boardgames, piano, walks in the Welsh countryside, and playing with my two cats. Tapper Watson and the Quest for the Nemo Machine is out now. She/her
Early morning visitor to our pond.
Piano lesson in Cardiff today. I popped into Bute Park afterwards and made a friend!
I've finished my copyedits! This means it's biscuit time. And washing up time.
Phillip sent me to do the shopping today. Why does he want laughing roastable onions?
Much excitement! Our first batch of homemade compost went on the garden today.
I used the PowerPoint coach to practise my folklore talk for next week. Apparently, I shouldn't use the word Welsh because it can be seen as insulting. This is going to be a problem for my Welsh Fairy Tales Myths and Legends.
Charity shopping in Ross-on-Wye Oxfam turned up a whole load of music. 'I never thought anyone would buy those organ books' said the lady in the shop. There's still a good quantity left, plus books on history and folklore if anyone wants any!
Happy World Book Day. Wishing all my author friends safe travels and fabulous events.
I'm in a hotel on my own tonight so I'm going to eat supermarket sushi out of the packet and go to bed at whatever ridiculously early time I please. It's a wild life.
We have a new apple tree for the garden. If anyone would like apple chutney in five years' time, give us a shout!
Happy leap day! I feel this day should be a national holiday.
First rule of buying a new carpet: get one that matches the cat.
D is for dinosaur! D is for daring! D is for aDrenaline! Downhill! Downhill! Off we go! Sing this loudly in the lift queue and you will get a cable car all to yourself.
Good morning! And what a beautiful morning it is.
We're off skiing! Phillip has a bad back and I had an unexpected stomach upset in the airport. This bodes well.
I'm off on holiday tomorrow so I will spend this evening frantically buying kindle books. Anyone got any sci if recommendations?
A good quote to start the week from the Writers' Hour this morning:
Any tips on refilling a fountain pen without covering yourself in ink?
I am very impressed with the editing software on my new phone. I wasn't sure how well it would work but it does a great job of removing background clutter.
I bought this camelia last year and it hated my garden so much that I stuck it in a pot and left it at the back of the house to die quietly. Now look at it. I don't understand plants at all.
Couch to 5k week 7 begun with 3.34km in 26 minutes, average speed of 7.45 minutes per km. I have no idea if that's good, but it's a big improvement on week 1!
Hurrah! My latest book has just moved on to copyedits. Now I can get back to writing the terrible first drafts of new things. (Why are first drafts always so terrible?)
Happy New Year! I'm back at my desk today and using a Pomodoro focus app to track my writing which means I'll be spending a lot of time staring at my stats.
Couch to 5k week 5 complete! We're signing off for Christmas today. Wishing you all joy and merriment.
I'm spending the day doing choose your own adventure workshops. A single opening, many endings!
Our neighbours gave us a mini Christmas tree! I decorated it with tinfoil and Cassie is already plotting how to eat it.
I have reached that time in December where my brain catches up with the fact that I don't have plenty of time to post my Christmas cards. This evening will be a time of writing frantic good wishes.
I've already poster on twitter but no apologies for having a little celebrate here too. Welsh Giants, Ghosts and Goblins will be out next summer!
Hurrah! I have finished the edits on book number seven. For now, of course.
I've bought a useful gizmo for making plant milk which means I need lots of recipes for using the pulp. This is almond hummus and it's actually quite nice.