
This is a really good article that encapsulates a lot of my frustration with cis people and the passage of anti-trans laws - a lot of cis people will make the minimal effort to say they support us online but not ever even email their state reps to demand protections for trans people.
This is not an article about epoxy river tables. I mean, it is. But it's not. But it is. Or maybe it isn't.
And that is very necessary even if your state legislators are right wing fuckers, because what these people tell themselves is that everyone feels like they do but they're the only ones brave enough to say it. When you are silent and don't push back, they continue to believe it.
Every letter you write to your right wing legislator saying "hey, I don't support this", every time you speak up in person to say "hey, not cool" to challenge bigotry, you not only stop being complicit but you chip away at that lie that everyone supports them.
You have. To use. Your voice. Trans people are a tiny minority of the population. Cis people have to fucking speak up and say "absolutely not". You have to stop letting these bigoted fucks believe that everyone thinks the way they do.
This also goes for men speaking up when other men say misogynist shit, for white people speaking up when other white people say racist shit, for non-disabled people speaking up when they hear ableist shit. Stop letting bigots believe they're brave truth tellers for fucks sake.
It's worthwhile to remember that there's a hierarchy of constituent contacts. Email is counted the least, especially if it looks like a form letter. Phone calls are counted more. Paper letters the most, and if you really want to max it out, handwrite the sucker.
The most important thing is to say something. But if you have a few more spoons, maybe okay for impact?
Just for some good news: there was a trans man on my last job and I saw another, very large, carpenter twice take people aside and say "You've been referring to [K] as 'she' when he's TOLD you he's 'He'. We're gonna say you were just slipping but you're gonna get right real fast"
I wrote mine a physical letter. I'm in a super progressive area and mine has been big in civil rights advocacy, but I figure it's good to make my voice heard.