Dr. Catherine Kehl

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Dr. Catherine Kehl


Neurobio, biomech and roboticist - mad scientist. And apparently now CS Prof. Martial artist who lives in a cottage on Puget Sounds and loves to forage plants and mushrooms. Way into fiber arts.
I didn't have to pretend. The USPS is a genuine Public Good. I did fan art for it. I Love the USPS.
Trump was so evil that people had to pretend to stan the U.S. Postal Service for three months
We need to send African, Asian, Middle Eastern, and Latin American observers to go monitor the situation in the US. We are concerned about the way things are handled over there. Political instability in the US is a threat to non-western democracy.
My favorite snippet of reporting I've seen on the shooting. Cotton is hardly the on member of the GOP who has been calling for violence. And almost all of them have been happy to overlook the Jan 6 insurrection.
I’m an actual pacifist. I want all guns banned. I just need the left to do less “violence is bad even when it happens to Trump” and more “this is the world Trump wants the rest of us to live in.”
Potatoes are the best. Really. The. Best.
Potatoes. Let’s talk potatoes. We roasted some and there’s a garlic dill sauce.
Butler County DA Richard Goldinger tells me Trump was grazed by gunfire but is safe. An audience member was killed and the shooter is dead. Another person is in serious condition. — Meryl Kornfield, WaPo (WTAE's Mike Valente earlier reported this from same source, but I'd been waiting to confirm)
I am hoping to hang out with a local fiber arts group call the Knotty Knotty Hookers. (Though I went to a meet up over the weekend at a local yarn store, and that was pretty fun.)
If you happen to enjoy thrillers, I strongly recommend Lucy Foley's The Midnight Feast as a delicious, light, and fun read. It was described as Fyre Festival meets The Wicker Man - and it delivers.
Twice yesterday when I was introduced to faculty in other fields they said "I've heard so much about you!" This is a little concerning...
Wow, thank you so much for all the love! I'm so happy NASA space Pride has resonated with you all. I knew it would be appreciated here, but never guessed it would be top-15-posts-of-all-time appreciated! I have given myself a migraine trying to respond to you all, so I must put my phone down now 🫠
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
"the possibility that American audiences won’t be able to see 'The Apprentice' ... suggests that Trump and his supporters have already intimidated some media companies, which seem to be pre-emptively capitulating to him." via @michellegoldberg.bsky.social www.nytimes.com/2024/06/14/o...
Opinion | The Chilling Reason You May Never See the New Trump Moviewww.nytimes.com Hollywood shouldn’t pre-emptively capitulate to the MAGA movement.
Okay, I'm starting to see some classes that should be offered free - I think I'd call them "Now you're old enough to run for President" ...and there would probably be sections you could take on retirement savings and life insurance and stuff.
I swear to god, civilization could help the middle-aged and the anxious enormously if we just had a high-school class in “What Pains You Should Actually Be Worried About.”
So, I have had cats come and get me to help out when another cat has been in trouble. But if something happened with me, and Cricket, say, did her "Timmy fell down the well!" dance for someone else, would they even take her seriously?
A 62-year-old man was stranded overnight in a ravine in Oregon after his truck crashed. His dog, Blue, ran for nearly four miles with glass in his snout and found help.
Man Rescued After His Dog Blue Runs Nearly 4 Miles to Get Helpwww.nytimes.com Brandon Garrett was stranded overnight in a ravine in Oregon after his truck crashed. One of the four dogs he was traveling with found help.
"In this paper, we formalize the problem and show that it is impossible to eliminate hallucination in LLMs." Hallucination is Inevitable: An Innate Limitation of Large Language Models arxiv.org/pdf/2401.11817
The annual warm weather urge to just buzz my head. Really, I miss it.
I have two huge pieces of advice if you have colleagues or friends going through tenure denial. 1. Don’t judge. The stated reasons people are denied are rarely the real reasons. 2. Reach out. This is more isolating and alone than you can imagine. If you’re a friend, then act like one.
🍄 A sample page from my brand new mushroom foraging zine! You can read the whole 21 page comic for free right here, right now: ko-fi.com/s/6c16d1553e
do I know anyone in the bay area who has been looking into dog ownership? because LOOK at this guy
I really need to do a version of this with Alito. Though... hm, yeah, it's going to be a whole different comic.
I want an Internet audio device that I can control from my phone. Like, maybe a Chromecast audio equivalent? Do they exist?
Ember hypothesizes that holding a position standing or sitting near me, and staring at me in an extra cute way causes treats to happen. She is working on getting her N up, and also looking at the influence of a) standing next to the treat cabinet b) brushing against my leg and c) purring loudly.
Also, my wonderful passive solar cottage in the woods, four miles south of UNC campus is coming up for rent. Let me know if you want details. Living here has been one of the best parts of my time here - and there have been lots of good parts!
Does anyone local want a floor loom? I have one I've decided I don't want to move across the country. It's cool. It works! It was rescued from a localish barn an rehabbed.
this dude is basically the nation’s leading expert on legal ethics, we are so cooked.
The 11th annual international Gender Census 2024 is now open until at least 13th June 2024! survey.gendercensus.com It's for anyone whose gender (or lack thereof) isn't described by the M/F binary. It's short and easy, and results are useful in academia, business and self-advocacy.