
Of course people who don't push Palestinian fundraisers, or mutual aid, or try & keep up with the genocide, or try to attend protests that occur in the community, wouldn't think you can use social media for activism. They definitely don't.
Honestly, as a disabled homebound person, these "can't do activism", "not really having any impact" takes are so ableist and so insulting.
They are refusing to admit that we could actually exist in reality. As if the internet is a realm with no connection to it. Rather than a part of it.
They don't want us to exist at all, let alone have a voice and actually use it.
For those of us starting where we are and doing what we can, that attitude to me just smacks of making excuses not to bother to do anything if you can't do 'perfect' activism.
Yeah I definitely haven’t learned one single thing about world events by following people living through them. Haven’t been able to financially contribute to one single person either. Not once.