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Decolonial secular humanist and materialist. Autistic & ADHD. I got hit by a car end of 2020 and my hand doesn't work properly now.

There is no absolute objective frame of reference.

UK based she/her. DMs open.

COVID kills. Wear a mask N95+
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Here in the UK our conservatives are quite openly saying they're fighting to defend classical Enlightened liberal values. Like colonialism and white supremacy.
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Interpreting work in ways that do not match the intent of the author is not an attack on their humanity. Communication always involves more than one mind and those minds are never identical. The demand that one can or should dictate the whole of the other requires a claim of supremacy.
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Like we can recognise Newtonian physics is limited and only applies within specific contexts/frames and start examining different ones without needing to act like he never existed.
The framework of rights I was raised/educated with was very much a post WW2 human rights one and it is so different to the Enlightenment version. It really shocked me to realise how many people insist they're the same. That there is no difference between saying something is and saying it should be.
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Good intentions do not prevent harm from resulting from your actions. But it feels really nice to be able to assume they must. It makes everything so simple.
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white people are catching on b/c the fascists have started saying the quiet part out loud just cause you don't speak dogwhistle doesn't mean it wasn't said
this shit ain't new to Black people we been truing to tell you
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They are refusing to admit that we could actually exist in reality. As if the internet is a realm with no connection to it. Rather than a part of it.
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Liberals are so comfortable in the knowledge that they're Good People who Worked Hard and nothing that's happening now is their fault. They will happily sacrifice any of us as long as they can maintain that.
Sometimes the best thing you can do is getting the fuck out of the way, Joe.
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I don't have good instincts. I hate when people try and tell me that I do. What I actually have are terrible shitty instincts that constantly tell me I suck and that I must suffer. And I had to learn not to listen to that. To question my instincts not run with them.
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so when i hear people say: “social media does nothing” what i’m really hearing from them is: “i dont like seeing people finding important information about certain topics that are never fairly discusses in schools or mainstream media.” because that one of the main goods coming from social media
We don't fix our problems with language alone. But we cannot fix our problems without it either.
Interpreting work in ways that do not match the intent of the author is not an attack on their humanity. Communication always involves more than one mind and those minds are never identical. The demand that one can or should dictate the whole of the other requires a claim of supremacy.
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The reason I prefer "Disabled communities" to "Disability community" is the same reason I prefer "Autistic communities" to "autism community".
We don't actually have to pick one or the other here. We can recognise both. We can understand that the present is connected to the past and also not the same as it.
Everything happening now is new in that it is not the same as what has happened before. Everything happening now is old in that it is similar to what has happened before.
You do need to be insane to understand a lot of this. That's my advantage here. I don't have to stay within the Approved Frame.
I don't have good instincts. I hate when people try and tell me that I do. What I actually have are terrible shitty instincts that constantly tell me I suck and that I must suffer. And I had to learn not to listen to that. To question my instincts not run with them.
Liberals are so comfortable in the knowledge that they're Good People who Worked Hard and nothing that's happening now is their fault. They will happily sacrifice any of us as long as they can maintain that.
Sometimes the best thing you can do is getting the fuck out of the way, Joe.
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“You don’t accomplish anything by posting” is such a ridiculous & boring take. I have learned so much from so many people on social media just from them posting. I have shared that information with others. We have changed our behaviors based on information to impact communities & ourselves.
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Naturally, they didn’t get much media attention outside of the LGBT press, even though every fucking tweet JKR posts gets an article written about it. But you can help spread the word. Tell your friends:
Anyway fuck him. Party politics as a means to achieving gains for trans people appears to be over, for the time being. But I’m not despairing - those young trans people who protested at NHS England were really inspiring. Immensely proud of them.
Teenage trans activists scale NHS England London HQ as protest enters third dayuk.news.yahoo.com Stonewall co-founder Lisa Power reacts: “It’s good to see young people taking direct action against injustice” The post Teenage trans activists scale NHS England London HQ as protest enters third day ...
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The best news from last night 😍 (This is our older cat Port tolerating Jadzia sitting right next to her for the first time)
Good intentions do not prevent harm from resulting from your actions. But it feels really nice to be able to assume they must. It makes everything so simple.
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I just. The work of showing people how ableism is real and how their "everyday harmless status quo normal" beliefs and attitudes and behaviors are actually harmful can be like pulling teeth. Ableism is /so/ foundational. Folks will just straight-faced be like "but that /does/ make someone lesser."
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It makes little sense to talk about repression of protest, counterterrorism, and immigration/border control as separate policy areas. They're all part of the same white supremacist continuum.
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There's no divine dictionary floating in the aether. There's just people. Every time we try and build the tower it crushes part of us beneath it.
"words mean things" is a psyop to distract you from the fact that all linguistic meaning is constructed communally. if "words mean things" in the abstract, then we are freed of the responsibility to actively curate that meaning among ourselves. "words" do not mean things. people mean things
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Understanding the reasons for something doesn't have to mean excusing it. It can also mean learning how to fight it. We can choose which one we do.
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I don't want to be a Serious Adult. I want to be a human being.
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Telling people they are too inflexible isn't understanding their perspective. It is rejecting it as inferior and unreasonable.
Telling people to compromise and negotiate is not a compromise or a negotiation. It is an order.
The best news from last night 😍 (This is our older cat Port tolerating Jadzia sitting right next to her for the first time)
Telling people they are too inflexible isn't understanding their perspective. It is rejecting it as inferior and unreasonable.
Telling people to compromise and negotiate is not a compromise or a negotiation. It is an order.
Understanding the reasons for something doesn't have to mean excusing it. It can also mean learning how to fight it. We can choose which one we do.