E.D.E. Bell

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E.D.E. Bell


Fantasy author. Editor @atthisarts. Vegan. Mama. Queer. Mentally disabled. Blue Ajah. Hasty Ent. Quests in heal spec. Shkode Kwe. Aήττητη. she/her or e/em. 🧄. Tweets @edebellauthor, Toots @[email protected] and irl.
I think it's why people only push against the cons in very specific circumstances. Anyway, I've said enough for today.
And look I dislike saying this a lot but why go after x and not after y? I've seen this first hand so many times lately ... I've had to conclude it's based on what people think they might gain or lose. 😦 They know 👑 doesn't give an f about them anyway but ⚰️ might bounce back and have power.
And look I dislike saying this a lot but why go after x and not after y? I've seen this first hand so many times lately ... I've had to conclude it's based on what people think they might gain or lose. 😦 They know 👑 doesn't give an f about them anyway but ⚰️ might bounce back and have power.
Definitely appreciate this, Paul, because, truth is, LC and his Big Tough Men are loud and known, but a lot of people still sympathetic to feeling these are *their* spaces are still in positions of influence and are working much more quietly to drive people like me out of any influence.
I mean, you shouldn't take what Larry Correia says with any credence (and sadly, Asher, too, although I used to read his work) but I figured I should counterprogram their nastiness with truth bombs of niceness
They're vile. I'd say block, block, and forget, but if they're actually being featured and promoted by publishers that does need to be pointed out. And btw the last gcws team was run by a man and two women. They seem to have excused the man? I guess? p.s. I don't want people like this to like me.
"social justice harpies" is such a choice of word/term.
ooooooh I didn't even see what this was in response to - This look for Solaris is ... a choice. 😬 I'm pretty sure I'm not even one of the harpies; don't think I'm on their radar. But yeah, I'm the programming guy now. Self Published, Disabled, Queer and never inviting these boogers! SJWFTW!
Fabulous writers like N*** A**** I mean, Jeff Noon was right there!
Emily, take a break. Go work your language lessons. 😑
I do not care about clearly coordinated media coverage of GRRM. I hope we'll talk more about the GoHs/SGs that are part of Worldcon 2024. They're awesome. What got me was the idea that any con would obviously work with him to make sure he was there. ** please recalibrate **
Also - that article? Refers to Worldcon's "strict rules". That's bunk they were fed. They helped me catch up. They literally just posted they are delaying the business meeting to "not disenfranchise members, especially those less familiar with the structure and operations of the Business Meeting."
Also - that article? Refers to Worldcon's "strict rules". That's bunk they were fed. They helped me catch up. They literally just posted they are delaying the business meeting to "not disenfranchise members, especially those less familiar with the structure and operations of the Business Meeting."
I will clarify the clarification! First, I owe my dear friend Greg over and over for standing up for me and putting me into roles others didn't see me in. (💛) Second, I do lead the programming (👑) but the main not-secret to my success is taking input and feedback from the whole community (🚫👑).
Oh, thanks, Paul! Though at this point @tbonejenkins.bsky.social and I are programming consultants this year; @edebell.com is the head of programming, and @chrisbell.atthisarts.com is the chair of our awesome organizing committee. :D
This is one of the most vulnerable and sincere things I could say. I don't say things well sometimes. I upset people. I hurt people. I worry people. I'm inappropriate or it looks like ego. But between adding my experiences while trying my best - and returning to silence, I think this is better?
I really hope people understand - I am not bragging, not flexing, not centering myself. (Not angry!) I'm just some guy. Yet there's so many ways we can do better as a community, and I'm just using (or at least trying my best to use) my personal experiences, good and bad, to try and add perspective.
Again, not to be bossy or over-absorbed or something. It's because someone's entire experience can be tainted and carry a lasting bad taste because they were put on / not put on something or referred to wrong when we didn't have a way to know for sure. Like, inclusive programming is *nuanced*.
Oh, and on a practical note, I learned from my mistakes and made gcws forms mandatory. There was an issue about someone off comms not being on a panel when I would have had to assume their interest on a sensitive topic. Now everyone fills out the forms. We can help, but it's getting filled out.
Oh, and on a practical note, I learned from my mistakes and made gcws forms mandatory. There was an issue about someone off comms not being on a panel when I would have had to assume their interest on a sensitive topic. Now everyone fills out the forms. We can help, but it's getting filled out.
And running cons, podcasts, whatever - the niceness, the "conflict aversion", our repeating The Way Things Are - we're giving away our own power. Have you seen the GoH/SGs they *do* have? Think about the message "I'd sure include ---- if I could!" sends when they already included *awesome* people.
I struggle to be understood, so I want to try and clarify one more point. Other than that one tiny snark that was more of a systematic grumble anyway, I have *no* care to dunk on GRRM or anyone. What I'm trying to say is we have to recalibrate our platforms. They're OUR platforms too.
I struggle to be understood, so I want to try and clarify one more point. Other than that one tiny snark that was more of a systematic grumble anyway, I have *no* care to dunk on GRRM or anyone. What I'm trying to say is we have to recalibrate our platforms. They're OUR platforms too.
Also I want to go back to my first point - the things I talk about almost never come from anger. I'm not shaming anger, and I have it. But please understand that feeling worn out and reaching out to add perspective and hope some people might think about it is *not anger*.
It was recommended to me to delete the post with "coup" as it could be misunderstood. My intended point was that if a person in a community role is doing harm to that community and unwilling to listen, it is not inappropriate to advocate for a change. And ppl with privilege need to be part of that.
And if the industry doesn't want me, it doesn't. But if I ever bow out, it's absolutely not going to be at the whim of any single one of these hrm hrmming performatively unoffensively progressive white ppl. Anyway, enough for now. But NO - GRRM is not the best thing that could happen to your con.
And hey, I get it! I'm too moody, too open. I stumble around and hurt people sometimes. Who'd want to work with me? I'm proving them right. I am a legally mentally disabled person doing my best to co-run a press and a lot else and I can't live up to people's standards. I can only try and do good.
And hey, I get it! I'm too moody, too open. I stumble around and hurt people sometimes. Who'd want to work with me? I'm proving them right. I am a legally mentally disabled person doing my best to co-run a press and a lot else and I can't live up to people's standards. I can only try and do good.
And FRANKLY, my welcome at Gen Con is not secure. Apparently I was too nice and quiet about ConFusion and Origins, as no one still gives a shit. Maybe I can't afford to keep getting pushed farther from home. Maybe wp need to step up to the work. So, you know, leans back and lights up a cigarette.
Seriously, GRRM's famous Hugo things are throwing a cool kids party and making fun of writers with past trauma who were upset to be dissed at it, and mispronouncing easy BIPOC names right? "But would you really turn him down if he asked to go to GCWS?" Absolutely. Don't need that energy.
I sure appreciate you, Paul, but also this isn't about me. A lot of people are like "why talk on the internet, people won't like you." Because we don't get cultural change by NOT talking about it. And sometimes, people have to not like us. Which people, you know? Eh?
thank you :)
Seriously, GRRM's famous Hugo things are throwing a cool kids party and making fun of writers with past trauma who were upset to be dissed at it, and mispronouncing easy BIPOC names right? "But would you really turn him down if he asked to go to GCWS?" Absolutely. Don't need that energy.
Not going to talk about Gen Con while I'm still with GCWS, but I can tell you that the excuse Origins used of "events have to make money to stay in it" is a crappy veil worn by spooky ghost whiteness. GCWS has sold 5x the tickets this year last time I checked, and we're just getting started.
So I lead Gen Con Writers' Symposium programming and I can tell you that I do not base Speaker decisions on fame. I base it on how much value they'll offer our attendees, including how *welcoming* the environment will be. Got removed from Origins for this, to no one's protest or even reporting.
So I lead Gen Con Writers' Symposium programming and I can tell you that I do not base Speaker decisions on fame. I base it on how much value they'll offer our attendees, including how *welcoming* the environment will be. Got removed from Origins for this, to no one's protest or even reporting.
Ta da! Anyone who might see me on Bell Summer Tour 2024 can slide over for a hey or a chat and sport one of these! The true fashion trend of the summer!
A big misconception about me is that I seem angry/upset toward people. No, that's my disorders! I think with deep empathy and kindness. Yet. The fact that I'm struggling to carry a thousand weights without rest and GRRM didn't just pay someone to fill out his fucking Worldcon form torques my bolts.
I need someone who is passionate about the work we're doing, able to keep things tracked and on track, and has capacity for a role that will not be a lot of hours until I can afford more.
Hey, all. Core is going to be moving into a marketing role at Atthis Arts (we have a *lot* of work for them to do!) but if anyone out there is interested in being my assistant - let me know? I can't pay for a lot of hours yet, but I'm carrying a lot of weight, so any amount would help.
Hey, all. Core is going to be moving into a marketing role at Atthis Arts (we have a *lot* of work for them to do!) but if anyone out there is interested in being my assistant - let me know? I can't pay for a lot of hours yet, but I'm carrying a lot of weight, so any amount would help.
OH WOW 🥳 ⚔️ 🔥 🧡
*cough* If you see it, please don't spoil the surprise. Also games, stories (novellas, novelettes), litrpg/xianxia thing. blackwolfsings.itch.io