
I more or less agree with this. Biden can stop the press from sinking him, but his best bet to resolve this freakout as quickly & unpainfully as possible means giving them at least some of what they want.
This thread from Matthew Chapman at the Bad Place is a good analysis of why the DC press corps are turning on Biden.
Agree w jist of this but also Chapman can be kinda dumb
I agree completely. He drove me crazy. But I think he's probably right on this one. I think Biden can weather this without catering to the worst of the press. But he's probably well-served in giving the ones he's most willing to work with the most access he can.
Yeah, he's not someone I follow, but his point about the WH press corps asking dumber questions during Trump hit home with something I've been thinking for a while. They think their job is to be TMZ for politics.