∞ Monkeys

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∞ Monkeys


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I do the RICO (Really Intense Cussing Out)
Reposted byAvatar ∞ Monkeys
Welp, guess I'll have to fucking vote.
Reposted byAvatar ∞ Monkeys
Do you always mean to do it but forget? There's a bluesky setting for that!
Reposted byAvatar ∞ Monkeys
because i’ve had a few people bring it up (no harm no foul!), clyburn’s actual quote is probably worth repeating in full rather than the truncated version that tells a different story
Reposted byAvatar ∞ Monkeys
Generic Democrat #6 will surely save the republic
Imagine you're a White House reporter. You go from covering a scandal ridden administration led by what might as well have been an AI designed to provided headline fodder, to reporting on... dogs. What are your career priorities in 2024?
Reposted byAvatar ∞ Monkeys
Imo, if we lose, it's not the candidate, it's people showing up for fascism & others deciding it wasn't worth showing up to stop it.
SCOTUS has lost the thread. We don't get to post comments on their website, but they are not oblivious to election results. The court that was blocking FDR's New Deal blinked *after* he was re-elected in a landslide in 1936.
So, today's decision has even LESS support than Dobbs: www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-i...
Reposted byAvatar ∞ Monkeys
For the voice thing- this was today & no one is talking about it here. Biden sounds like he's sounded in the last few years. Either he had a cold, or he blew his voice out in the debate prep. It's also a good speech for the moment. www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rPH...
President Biden delivers remarks on the Supreme Court's immunity ruling — 7/1/2024www.youtube.com President Joe Biden deliver remarks on the Supreme Court's immunity ruling on Monday.In a 6-3 opinion along partisan lines, the Supreme Court on Monday ruled...
Reposted byAvatar ∞ Monkeys
I take some small solace that one of the Right's stupider law professors, Stephen L. Carter from Yale, is mildly disheartened by this morning's judgment. This guy's big idea is the nonsense that "freedom of religion doesn't mean freedom from religion", if you wonder why I say he's stupid. #GiftLink
Trump Isn't Going to Like the Supreme Court's Immunity Decisionwww.bloomberg.com In particular, there’s a single line in the majority opinion that lets Special Counsel Jack Smith retain plenty of leeway.
Reposted byAvatar ∞ Monkeys
Want voting to go more smoothly in your area? This site will direct you to your local election professionals so you can sign up to be a poll worker.
This is why I work Election Day as a poll worker—managing a voting location and doing anything I legally can to help eligible voters cast whatever vote they want with as little inconvenience as possible.
Poll Worker Resources for Voters | U.S. Election Assistance CommissionLockwww.eac.gov The EAC encourages those interested in becoming poll workers at the polls on Election Day to learn more about what is required and how to sign up to work with your local election office.
Reposted byAvatar ∞ Monkeys
If you want to unfollow me because I think Hamas are bad guys & believe electing Trump will be a global disaster, I'm ok with that.
Your "word" is I should sit out 2024 because it doesn't seem to make a difference to you. Fuck that.
When you're definitely confident of your ability to defend Hamas support on the merits, lol
The United States of America, home to no brown or Muslim people.🙄 Pick an angle, Lexa. You seem to think Trump can only inflict misery on people in the US or outside, but are struggling to decide which.
actually the inference here is that, shockingly, you don’t care about brown and muslim people- you only care about the fate of americans. you could be out here voting for neither one but instead you are fully throatily supporting a genocider. see how that works??
Arrin has never used this word before on Bluesky, so I'm sure it's meant to be endearing. I'll give you the benefit of believing you might talk to friends like this irl, but not strangers.
Are attacks targeting civilians recognized by the UN as "self defense"? (Hint: no) This ugly fight started way before 1947. Anyone pretending there's an entirely good side in Israel-Palestine is stupid or completely biased.
according to the in charter occupied territories have the right to self defense against the occupier. if you think this started on oct 7th you are majorly misinformed.
Lexa thinks the damage of a Trump Presidency stops at the US border.
how precious, these things only matter when they happen to americans. silly me. enjoy your infinite privilege my guy.
Vincent Adultman vibes, tbh.
Gentlemen, routinely address male strangers as, "honey" or "dear"? How often is it used by men toward women they don't even know & in what context? @heartgold.xyz sounds like a misogynist to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Of course, any troll can use Google translate, which I suspect is the case with you.
I'm not the one helping the guy talking about the great replacement.
you are such a sociopath that you are willing to ignore their suffering for your empty cause. good luck with that.
Reposted byAvatar ∞ Monkeys
oh I said explicitly I'm pro-Hamas and pro freedom fighter
I'm starting to wonder if you're real, lol.
More sexist condescension! I am not your "dear", Mr. Siddiq.
Love the condescension of misogyny.
The real Blue Maga are people so caught up in whatever ridiculous ideology, that they'd rather end Democracy than let go of delusion.
I'm not dunking on anyone but *you*. I don't want a guy spouting great replacement theory in charge of my country.
Why not just call me a "demonrat" & get it over with? Joe Biden has been trying to get a ceasefire for 6 months. You side with Hamas, who have refused it.
You don't think things would be worse for Palestinians if Trump wins. You said right there in the open. I'm done with you, but I'll leave you unblocked for people to realize how toxic you are.