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Avid knitter & embroiderer, cat lady. Loves food, ballet, and sparkly things. she/her
ig: _coffeeforbreakfast
Always a great day when your first email of the day starts with "Absolutely not." I cannot wait until I hand off managing UPS to anyone else.
after MONTHS of not feeling any sort of creativity - no itch to knit, embroidering feels like a chore, sparks of drawing feel...bleh... I think...I want to knit? I don't want to jinx it though
Hi i apparently never post, but guess what? It's Leap Day! That's all.
thoughts on (finally) getting my nose pierced: did not hurt. piercings still freak me out ("totally rational thought" the piercer assured me, which was very nice). really glad i did it. still does not hurt unless i forget it's there and bonk it. is my nose runny/stuffy or is it the jewelry?
Reposted byAvatar christine
2024 is the Year of Sandal. the prophecies are clear on this point. this is the year that this giant orange cat ushers in a 1000 year reign (possibly [probably] of terror). we can't, and must not, stop this. fate is calling collect, and our only task is to accept the charges.
Accidentally froze our sparkling wine. "oh I'll just pop it into the freezer to chill real quick" THREE HOURS AGO Luckily it did not explode, but now I have no bubbles and a wine popsicle. Whoopsies.
Gift wrapping pandemonium: Have already convinced myself I threw away my brother's gift and rifled through the recycle bin in the alley (I did not. I hid it from the cat.) Bought the wrong size frame for another gift. Have panic-ordered a pick up order from Target for tomorrow. Sorry Target peeps. 😔
Accidentally buried my phone under all the laundry I needed to fold...forced my adhd ass to just fold it to find it. Follow me for more dumb life hacks. 🙄
i am at the point in my day where i have written "jeopardy" so many times, i can't tell if i'm spelling it right. what a weird freakin' word. jeo pardy. je op ardy. j eop ard y. 🫠
My husband: "oh you must be feeling better today, you're funnier today"
Currently playing the game "how many sneezes will it take to pop my trick rib out of place" 🤧🤒
Quasar (cat) had a dental cleaning today and has been tripping from the anesthesia all evening. He's chasing ghost mice. Absolutely convinced there's one behind the kitchen radiator, and one in the pantry. I have my doubts - the other 3 cats are ignoring these "mice". 😂 Poor guy.
Up @ 630 to take the cat to the vet (planned surgery this time), coffee, home, cleaned the kitchen & dining room by 10a, and now I'm back in bed watching Bravo. If you need me, no you don't.
(I love my cat I love my cat I love my cat I love my cat I love my cat) Had this jacket 2 days before his lil brain short circuited and he thought it was a chew toy. At least my birkenstocks match something now?
Today, my poor ol brain has just had it So has my body I guess Started my workday by just laying on my office floor and crying, so there's a perk of WFH
Just got cold called by a sales person, they confirmed my name & as they started their pitch, they realized while I DO work in the realm of facility mgmt it's not churches, which their product is specifically targeted for? They stopped midsentence, said they called the wrong person, and hung up. 😆
Quasar and Moose, capable of sharing my lap but not the cat tree.
Took my babiest kitty (...oKAY she is my eldest baby) to the groomer today and STAHHHHP 🥹
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Even this Pallas cat gets in on the discovery and exploration process. Photos from Calgary Zoo.
Sitting at Midway Airport. Announcement for passengers named DEREK to make sure they have their laptop because one left at TSA. "Make sure you have your laptop... DEREK." Also left at TSA in this ungodly hour: 3 IDs and a small pink backpack. Airport just got scolded.
WHOA ANXIETY WHOA WHOA Also I have had a fuck ton of cold brew this morning and maybe not a fuck ton of water that can't possibly be related
I swear the cats know when we're getting ready for a vacation, someone always gets sick. Repeating: we have a week, it's fine, we have a week, it's fine.
ahahaha my goblin brain forgot to take my meds this morning which include my allergy meds - and i got my allergy shots today. guess who's having the BEST time (very glad i also get a benadryl shot too but 🫠)
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Heavy migration is expected the next couple nights. Lights Out alerts are also available from BirdCast for each state. #birds #birding #fall #migration
Sometimes you just need a dance party of one to ward off the bad energy you're feeling. (seriously, novel movement can help with anxiety, friends)
New mattress & new pillow so if you need me, no you don't, I'll be sleeping.
not me making an absolute fool of myself in google sheets comments "...oh i see your ask now. disregard my paragraph above. 🫠"