
a political party loses elections to this
The governors of a dozen Republican-led states — AL, AK, FL, GA, IA, MS, OK, SC, SD, TX, UT, WY — opted out of a new federal food assistance program, leaving about 9.5 million students without the aid this summer
Republican-led states are blocking summer food benefits for hungry Money for food is especially tight for families in a dozen states where Republican lawmakers declined to accept federal food assistance.
I mean, you say that, but in most of those states being cruel to starving people is going to help more than it hurts.
I think he’s saying that the *Democratic* party loses elections to this
Yes, in these vote-suppressing states, gop wins by appealing to white constituents racism. They don’t want to help the ‘wrong people’ - it’s not complicated
And they continue the legacy of Reagan's dog whistle by leading constituents to assume these programs predominantly help people of color, when a plurality of SNAP beneficiaries are white
Unfortunately there are going to be folk who think the lever to stop food benefits was right next to the lever for high inflation and high oil prices, which they assume is all the responsibility of the current President. It feeds the "the status quo is bad, so we should elect someone new" narrative.
But only if the current president is a Dem.
In a real country this would be scandalous
Not so much loses to this, but rather preemptively concedes to this, since the Dems don't even bother to run any candidates where I live in Alabama.
Big win for the “fuck them kids” plank of the GOP party platform
It sure as shit should. Their cruelty knows no bounds. They’re all about forcing you to have babies and then allowing them to be neglected when they could easily help. Assholes, all of them.
i doubt many people affected by these actions read usatoday. It’s up to dems to force this info in front of voters’ faces every day. Billboards. Local tv/paper ads. trucks with loudspeakers. Anything. Saying it on msnbc won’t get it done.
Don’t you just love the party of pro life! But hey, President Biden is old, right. Most of those states are so gerrymandered now Democrats can’t win. Or it’s near impossible.
Hey, for once Indiana isn't being a complete shit-stain.
You accidentally left off the beginning of the sentence: “In any sane country,” …
Yes, because in certain states cruel policies like this are popular.
They did this for years with things like Obamacare, and it never seemed to hurt them
We have more in common than... oh never mind.
Forced brother states starving children. JFC. 😤
SD? Governor Puppy-killer is one of these? Hoo boy! The ads write themselves!
Cruelty is a really popular platform to about a third of the country.
Oh you sweet spring child. It is nice that you feel this way. Sadly it will not cost them even one single vote. For republican voters (even the poor ones that would get this) it is what they like to see. The only ones who care are those who would not have voted for the GOP anyway.
Or at least they SHOULD. These states' Republicans are depending on voter suppression to keep the poor folks from handing them their heads.