
What can this possibly mean? Brains evolved over 500 million years ago; language probably less than 100,000. So he can't mean it literally. Bach studies cognitive architectures and has a PhD in cognitive science, so he knows the difference between brains and transformers.
I would say certain types of human bullshitting bear a resemblance to LLMs. Emily Bender's "Stochastic parrots" is a useful frame for both.
Throwback to the time I was TAing intro CS and trying to help a student debug a problem with their code so I asked “what were you *trying* to do with this function?” hoping to find a path towards correct understanding and their response was “I don’t know, I just typed it”
And I was like “holy shit I’m taking to a Markov Chain chatbot who has been trained on 6 weeks of seeing Java syntax on a white board with no comprehension of intent”
Right. LLMs aren't hallucinators or liars, they're bullshit artists. Because when done well, it makes people think they are useful.
Green Book 2018 - Bullshit Artist