
Want a scene where someone cuts the palm of their hand for some blood-use plot device and then spends the rest of the episode going ow! Dammit! My HAND! And bumping it on things.
And then when they go to the ER/A&E later: "Oh look, you've cut halfway through a tendon that's going to require reconstructive surgery and months of physio for your hand to regain normal function. Oh, you were closing a open hellgate? Next time just stab yourself in the butt, okay?" (eyeroll)
I used to work with someone who slashed the palm of his hand with a Japanese sword in a "blood brothers" ritual while on a gap year and severed the tendons. He had to have surgery and then was in plaster for weeks, and he was still in physio when I left the company some months later.
Exactly this. :/ Film and popular culture generally have left way too many people *deeply* clueless about how serious even small cutting/slashing injuries can be for the hands. Drives me nuts.
Shoulder injuries are another one. If you get shot in the shoulder, you’re never going to be able to lift that arm above clavicle height again.
Not without extensive reconstructive surgery and several months of PT. And lemme tell you about abdominal wounds prior to sulfa drugs... Or how awful knee injuries were prior to the 1990s...
what good thing happened for knees in the 90s?
ACL and MCL surgical repairs got a *lot* better in the early 1990s. They're now at the point where it's a year of rehab to get back to professional football. In the '80s, ACL repair meant you could walk without a cane, but you shouldn't run or jump. It was 'walk with a cane' in the '70s.
And it was 'hobble on a cane in minor pain' the '60s.
oh, thank you for this. I"m going to pass it on to a relative that has been avoiding knee surgery, very much to their (and their spouse's) detriment.
Glad to help! There are lots of really weird things that can go wrong with knees with aging. Not all of them can be fixed; knee *injuries* are usually things that are (now) amenable to surgical repair that used to not be.
And it’s way too recent that they discovered a whole new bit of knee, given how long we’ve been chopping people up
Which bit of knee is that?
That was 10 years ago though
Yes, I am saying ten years ago is way too recent to have pinpointed a bit of knee given we’ve been dissecting people for many hundreds of years.