Alice Fraser

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Alice Fraser

Comedy. Writing.🎙️ Podcasts: The Gargle; The Last Post; Tea With Alice; The Bugle; Alice Fraser Trilogy. Patreon:
Writers! People who want to write! I will be running a Writers Intensive afternoon class on 12 October in Tokyo for those who want to level up their general skills or polish up a specific project. Numbers strictly limited. Application form:
Tokyo Writers Intensive Application Form | Alice Rebekah Get more from Alice Rebekah Fraser on Patreon
When you die Osiris weighs you on his golden scales against your boyfriend
Whoever inventer the phrase "mixed weight relationships" should be executed and no mistake
I think The Left must be delicious in how it keeps eating itself instead of the billionaires it kept promising were on the menu.
You know what they say… Fool me once, a masterful gambit sir! Please may i subscribe to your monthly fooling program at the premium ad free level?
Reposted byAvatar Alice Fraser
Used to be when a kid was super smart and driven, adoring adults would say “you’ll be president/prime Minister one day”. Now it’s the thing you say to the kid who just used their maths lesson to cybercrime their grandma with a fake kidnap ransom demand written fully in letter emojis on iMessage
Today’s least favourite bit of complaining - some guy going to a fellow comedian, “you just want the praise and none of the criticism.” Like… duh? Of COURSE we all want the praise without the criticism, what’s your deal mate?
What if that’s just what cows looked like to Gary Larson
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Your weekly Gargle has landed 🦩 + Joe Kent-Walters ✨ 🥵 Climate jobs 🧖🏻‍♀️ Sauna sessions 🖥 Cheat sues Apple 🤳 Influencer fined 🍴 Reviews 🎧
If you ask the manosphere, a real man is a man who doesn’t care what anyone thinks of him, in an extremely visible way that everyone acknowledges and admires.
My enemy’s enemy is my friend. My enemy’s friend is my enemy-frenenemy. My frenemy’s enemy is my secret eind. My enemy’s frenemy is a bendy anemone.
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Reposted byAvatar Alice Fraser
I think waffles discourse/“how dare you talk about your thing without acknowledging MY thing” happens because we turned our interior monologues into firehoses and now our tragic mammal brains believe this means everyone is fully aware our shit but callously consciously chooses to ignore it
Tokyo friends! Does anyone have an inside line on a small venue where I could run an afternoon writing intensive?
Reposted byAvatar Alice Fraser
Come and get your bro greens!
Out NOW! + Tom Neenan ⚙️ Tyres in your leafy greens 🥜 Castration for a longer life 🍖 Eating an apple of ham 🧘🏻‍♂️ Lying on a spiked humility roll 💦 Not looking at the inlet of a waterfall 🤓 Pro-nerd output from the nerd club
Reposted byAvatar Alice Fraser
Sure sex is good but have you ever seen your local woman-owned indie bookshop celebrate its 20th anniversary with its original owner having survived the rise of Barnes and Noble then Amazon then a global pandemic
Who here can draw where’s Waldo / where’s wally style drawings? I have a piece of paid work for you. Extremely silly project. No tyre kickers. Has to be recognisably in the where’s Waldo/ where’s wally house style, not just you being a good artist. Cheers!
Reposted byAvatar Alice Fraser
Out NOW! + Tom Neenan ⚙️ Tyres in your leafy greens 🥜 Castration for a longer life 🍖 Eating an apple of ham 🧘🏻‍♂️ Lying on a spiked humility roll 💦 Not looking at the inlet of a waterfall 🤓 Pro-nerd output from the nerd club
Reposted byAvatar Alice Fraser
Been doing some grunt work and giggling to the latest . It's the 600th Episode, an edit of two live shows.,, Zaltzman and Nish Kumar on blisteringly fine form.
The Bugle's 600th episode special! | The Audio Newspaper for a Visual World
There’s a kind of heartfelt whimsical children’s book with sad meaningful illustrations that I think is only for grandmothers to buy.
Reposted byAvatar Alice Fraser
Real men recite poetry lamenting love on boats while illuminated by the moon such that their bros think them so beautiful as to wish them a woman.
I still blame Byron for the idea that happiness is limiting and Real Men™ have Tragedy™ not joy. The idea that suffering is greater than happiness so such nonsense. But we live in world where people still think happily ever after is harder to achieve than a cold death and a shallow grave.
As far as I recall early social media was basically people reporting the results of a series of quizzes to each other.
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Favourites Alison Spittle and join host for a rip-roaring old time of it on The Gargle 🦩 👶🏻 Social media babies 🥶 Cryonics client 🤖 AI CEOs 🐕 Poo drama 💅🏻 Reviews Available for your ears right now 🎧
I’m a tradwife. I gather nuts. I rub fat into cloth for waterproofing. I invented weaving. I survive a harsh winter on my stored body fat.
Very few things make me feel as consistently anti-American as when I see Schoolteachers crowdfunding for basic classroom supplies.
Reposted byAvatar Alice Fraser
if you operate in crisis mode at all times and focus exclusively on everything that is bad and getting worse eventually you will end up as an apathetic depressed husk convinced that nothing you or anyone else does will make a difference if you really want to do good, don't let this happen to you
My husband is reading a really interesting book about activist burn out, and basically every chapter that looks at specific historical activists shows that being unable to acknowledge even minor victories leads to burn out and depression.
Today’s Tea With Alice Salon was a lovely conversation that ranged from the way systems efficiency squeezes out the extraordinary, to AI marking of AI essays, to how each of us tricks and bullies our brains into productivity. Join me with other like and unlike minds via
Get more from Alice Rebekah Fraser on creating Workshops, Comedy, Podcasts, Poetry
The question you ask gay couples now is “so… in your household… which one is the elderly Egyptian Uber driver?”
my elderly Egyptian Uber driver happily informed me that he “supports the gays now” because he lives with a lesbian couple and “the husband lesbian is a better husband than I was”, happy pride everyone
I don’t trust conspiracy theorists. I believe conspiracy theorists are all plants by Big Conspiracy to distract from the reality that reality is depressingly predictable & people are mostly venal and grasping rather than excitingly sinister.
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