
As President Biden continues to face questions about whether he should end his bid to seek a second term, there are growing signs that many in the Democratic Party are willing to accept Vice President Harris at the top of their presidential ticket.
Democrats begin to consider Harris at the top of their Several party leaders suggest that if Biden steps aside, Harris would have to be his replacement.
Clearly and simply for WAPO and NYT: Biden is running for President. See Biden run. Run, Biden, run! Is Biden running? Yes. Biden is running for President.
Ya’ll learned NOTHING from 2015-16. It’s like Hillary Clinton fainting in NYC all over again.
Oh to the contrary I think their plan in 2016 worked exactly as they hoped and they’re looking to repeat that
Any questions about the convicted felon?
Fuck, Yes, We are 100% ready for Kamala. Dem. Voter Turnout ⬆️ Women Voters ⬆️ Non-White Voters ⬆️ Young Voters ⬆️ Educated Voters ⬆️ ‘But He’s too old’ Voters- Back! #PassTheTorchJoe
Of course we are. Biden and Harris are a package deal. That’s kind of, you know, what the fucking Vice President is for. And we just had a primary selecting her for that exact reason.
Convince me she can beat Trump
How’d this election go? Hmmm? Here you go again!
so like do you think the media shouldn’t report on anything that makes your preferred candidate look bad?
This is the dumbest shit anyone could come up with. Trump thanks you for your support.
she is the best choice. This is obvious. Biden must leave his vanity and see what is best for the country, not to fall into Trump's hands.
Replacement would effectively guarantee a Trump win. Recall there were attempts by R states to keep Biden off the ballot due to strict timing rules. This would empower states to enact malicious compliance to regulations and say sorry it's too late so no can do putting her on the ballot, trump only.
Biden had promised to fulfill only one mandate and that Kamala Harris would be his replacement just because of his age. And now he doesn't fulfill what he promised out of pure vanity.
Regardless, I think you're underestimating Republican rat-fuckery and how dire the situation would be to switch at this point. Rules are non-existent and the right *will* abuse what they can. Stop giving them ammo.
Not to mention the disaster that was Biden's unconditional support for Netanyahu genocide. Now, he's retreating, but it's too late. I doubt Kamala woud have taken the same stance.
And who here is giving to the republicans?? On the contrary. I just think that Biden no longer has the health to continue and Kamala can do a much better job for wordwide Democracy.
There are a million people who could do a better job than Biden, that's not in dispute. The context now is that Republicans leverage anything they possibly can, legal or no, to screw over democrats with an explicit plan to subvert the entire democratic process of they win right now. Don't help them.
I am not saying that Biden should drop out of the race...I would just ask him to reflect on the result of Ruth Bader Gingrich staying on the bench, knowing she was dying ... that's how we got a Fascist majority on the Supreme Court.....just saying.....
“As WaPo and NYT REALLY want Trump to win and will do everything they can to once again to push that scale…” Yellow Journalism with no ethical basis left. Shame on you.
the doubt is just coming from you - the media
да на тарелке так и написано что она президент
Harris will guarantee a loss big loss
No choice. Bring it on. Only for a few months. Keep her tethered.
No. Please. No. We know her past and when the GOP does too, they’ll destroy her.
Harris would lose much worse than Biden. She has no shot.