
There is no guarantee that the bird flu virus will remain benign if it begins to spread among people. Accumulating evidence from the animal world and data from other parts of the globe, in fact, suggest the opposite.
A Bird-Flu Pandemic in People? Here’s What It Might Look There is no guarantee that a person-to-person virus would be benign, scientists say, and vaccines and treatments at hand may not be sufficient.
How serious a threat is the jump to humans? I've seen articles saying "yep this could happen" and a lot of fear. Is there any hard data?
There was a case in Mexico where they couldn't find an interaction with a bird/cow but that's the only one afaik. This says 3 others in the who did interact w/cows. Human-to-human is the scary jump I think?
WHO acknowledges bird flu patient in Mexico died of other medical The WHO confirmed Friday that the patient in a fatal bird flu case in Mexico died due to his other severe medical conditions.
The case in Mexico was a different bird flu virus. As far as H5N1 is concerned, it has been picking up a lot of adaptations, so the jump to humans could be very soon, or it could happen never. It’s very hard to say.