
deleted the post about antihistamines and Covid because it mostly focused on method of action, and someone rightfully pointed out that the concentrations studied in the paper were overstated. fwiw, azelastine has an effect in prescription dosages
I’m not an expert but there have been previous studies showing that antihistamines like azelastine do work at normal (prescription) levels.
also! if you’re going to correct me on something like this: don’t be so shitty? yall have to learn how to interact with folks in a less antagonistic way. you can’t follow through on your own plan of correcting misinformation if you immediately block a person.
tired that the contemporary tone by which we interact with strangers has become antagonistic with a side of assume bad faith at every point
it’s frustrating. and like, looking at my response there it was just saying “hey my understanding is X, also try to be a bit nicer” and evidently the misinformation warrior thought it was worth… redacting her responses? baffling.
i get the sense that they replied, then thought better of it; "i don't want to get into an argument about this on the internet with some random person" which isn't something you tend to hear from people who go into discussions with good faith and assuming positive intent. it's got to be exhausting.
yeah idk. I try to be a person who interacts in good faith as much as possible but when shit like this happens it’s exhausting. like why bother lol
exactly! and you're right re trying to be kind of person, and what's important is that the rest of us know who you are and what you're about :)
thank you, I actually appreciate that a lot <3
Throwback to losing a bunch of mutuals in a clique because I tried to ask a clarifying question and they took it as derision. Ok that's also a NT/ND thing probably.
it's at the point where i've seen people dogpile a guy and go for cheap dunks for the dopamine hit when the first guy *said something they agreed with.* the first guy just phrased it a bit weird. reading comprehension skills are in the toilet and the point of posting is not to converse but to argue.
If anyone wants to try Azelastine, as a person who uses it regularly, I'd like to mention a side effect that's usually overlooked. It is fast onset and slightly sedative. That effect is pronounced if combined with alcohol. I wouldn't recommend driving any type of vehicle while taking it.