Hannah is resting 🟡

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Hannah is resting 🟡


Permanently unusually disabled.

But Here We Are. Stay Kind.




pfp: Me in a lofi girl costume, scribbling in a notebook, a black cat rolling on her back

banner: "Pride Is A Riot" on a scarf on the wall
I missed this the first time around but I cannot think of a more succinct definition of my ideal worldview than this.
There is no anarchism, only anarchists.
I think the first step on my path to anarchism: attending the ACLU national conf at 16 and asking RBG a question in a post keynote Q&A. Her being so dismissive of the idea that something could be happening when I was pretty sure I saw it from my little queer friend group was idolization shattering.
Something like: Me: I see the American flag claimed more and more by further right wing segments of the American people, do you worry that this could cloud its meaning as a symbol of justice and freedom (I know.)? RBG, in a voice of contempt that someone would even ask that: "Definitely not"
Honestly it's wild that it took until my mid thirties to land on "anarchism"
Those questions were often "is that fair?", "don't you need to ask them first?", "could that hurt them?", etc When I damaged things w/ my curiosity, they had me help fix em then talk about what I learned My first tattoo was paid for by my mom. Lion w/ "I Will" from Nietzsche, self-determination
which holy Unchangeable set of Tomes laying out the Rules of their sub-category of Anarchism do you consult as the source of Truth when you need to make a Decision?
I feel like anyone who asks "what kind of anarchist are you?" is not working from an understanding of "anarchist" that is compatible with mine.
Anarchism stands on 3 legs: Liberty, Solidarity, Mutual Aid; but the ground underneath that is active revokable informed consent.
Reasons people might want to follow me: - Stickers - Accessibility - Lewds - Earrings - Trans tho(ugh)ts - Memes - Programming - Shirts - Feelings - Anarchism Reasons people might not: - A constant mix of all of the above according to whatever I'm feeling in a given day/hour/millisecond
There is no anarchism, only anarchists.
Another bit from this essay very relevant to the zionist genocide in Palestine. I've seen more than one image of "captured Hamas fighters" with young teenagers, kids, and men folks claimed to know to be bakers, software engineers, etc, who certainly didn't look like active soldiers.
In Germany you can find several rather unique war memorials "To The Unknown Deserter" in WWII On the plaque of this one in Potsdam is: "This is for a man who refused to kill his fellow men" Worthwhile related piece by Graeber, v relevant to Israel and Gaza: theanarchistlibrary.org/library/davi...
I've heard multiple people now excusing the individual actions of IDF soldiers, since their alternative to wearing a uniform is prison. Fuck that. Choose prison over genocide. if you are unwilling to sacrifice for your values you do not hold those values.
i just had brain surgery and i'm on sooooo many drugs and let's fucking goooooooo
if I'm gonna get cancelled it's gonna be by liberal Zionists for this Jesus Hamas Christ meme I've been holding on to
Some Zionist quoted this as a "she admits it!"
The only things keeping me and my legion of Hannahs from explicitly joining Hamas are kerning and transliteration details
If you're worried about brevity in your writing, don't. It took Project 2025 nine hundred pages to say fourteen words.
I think the next time I get "but do you condemn Hamas?" I'm going with "Israel shouldn't exist, Hamas shouldn't *have* to exist."
Talking to people like this can be so frustrating, but when their eyes start to open it feels so worth it. The "psychosis" bit was about the stress and sleep deprivation of homelessness causing or exacerbating the "being crazy" that the comfortable write homeless folks off with.
After my standoff with the owner of The Slide Inn about laughing at a woman being swept and then saying she should leave the country, a woman from the neighborhood reached out and we exchanged some tense but reasonable emails. A bit later she sent this. Step by step.
Yup, still my favorite in so many ways.
This is one of the best photos I've ever taken of myself. (Slightly touched up from earlier)
On the minus side: fuck you fuck you fuck you, genocidal Zionists, go fuck yourself into the sea On the plus side: they used sticker paper that doesn't adhere worth a damn and it already had a loose corner when I found it and peeled it next to whole
I'm Hannah and this is my art (specifically the sign in the last one, it's animated and changes patterns behind the word)
I'm Dee and this my art
In the words of @chantalalive.bsky.social, this is "trashy chic" and I love it.
Perhaps I should have refreshed my lipstick *after* smoking a joint 😅
I found a trans windbreaker at Goodwill, though I wish it was a bit smaller
Broke: This could have been an email. Bespoke: This could have been a scream into the void.
Building a browser plug-in that uses Artificial Intelligence* to tell you if a post should go to the-void.social instead *it says "yes, definitely" every time because if you're asking…
The Voidthe-void.social A place to scream
I absolutely love The Void
Building a browser plug-in that uses Artificial Intelligence* to tell you if a post should go to the-void.social instead *it says "yes, definitely" every time because if you're asking…
The Voidthe-void.social A place to scream
Building a browser plug-in that uses Artificial Intelligence* to tell you if a post should go to the-void.social instead *it says "yes, definitely" every time because if you're asking…
The Voidthe-void.social A place to scream
Building a browser plug-in that uses Artificial Intelligence* to tell you if a post should go to the-void.social instead *it says "yes, definitely" every time because if you're asking…
The Voidthe-void.social A place to scream
An interesting thing about this era is that it's become increasingly hard to hide the actual existence of being perpetuated by imperial states, particularly the US, despite its control over English-language media channels.
Reminds me of a Liberal Thought Leader on here who, when I asked why big Dems didn't even mention issues like universal healthcare despite overwhelming support, said that obviously it was "strategy" with no details on how and that clearly they knew more than me (us?) so I should shut up.
Y'know its not gonna happen cause of PACs but the dems would probably never lose an election if they put a person on the ticket who has actively good policies instead of just were not Trump.
This is really not about you trying to become a Pokémon Master and giving it your best, Joe Biden.
Sometimes the best thing you can do is getting the fuck out of the way, Joe.