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Kaleidotrope is a quarterly e-zine of sci-fi, fantasy & horror edited by Fred Coppersmith since 2006.

Read it at http://www.kaleidotrope.net
Support it at http://patreon.com/kaleidotropezine

Avatar and cover art by Cody Vrosh
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Updated the reprint guidelines *again* to clarify that this also includes work that appeared in different formats. If the story or poem was read on a podcast, if you read it yourself on a non-private YouTube or TikTok channel—that too counts as a previous publication.
Updated the submission guidelines slightly to clarify that reprints also include work *scheduled* to appear elsewhere or extracts of larger forthcoming works. If you've already sold it somewhere else, even if it hasn't published yet, sorry, I don't want it.
If you're wondering what kind of stories and poems Kaleidotrope likes, I'd recommend looking at the archives. That, but different. 😊
Discover what walks with the shadows behind the walls in Greta Hayer's new story “The Phantasmagoria of Castle Specfel." kaleidotrope.net/summer-2024/...
Sorry, I don’t, though I do respond to all submissions, whether they’re accepted or not.
hi! do you send confirmation emails upon submission?
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In other news, Kaleidotrope is only open to fiction and poetry submissions through July 31, so now would be a good time to send me something.
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Mike of From Beyond Press let me know that fbp is donating all proceeds from sales of ESCALATORS TO HELL: SHOPPING MALL HORRORS for the rest of July to the Children's Organ Transplant Association in memory of Eirik Gumeny. Get it from thewebsite, or the zon, or wherever.
Updated the submission guidelines slightly to clarify that reprints also include work *scheduled* to appear elsewhere or extracts of larger forthcoming works. If you've already sold it somewhere else, even if it hasn't published yet, sorry, I don't want it.
I'm not sure what people who submit stories or poems with artwork are trying to accomplish, especially when it isn't their own original artwork and they haven't even said they're submitting art for consideration.
These are all the words that appear in all the stories in Kaleidotrope's Summer 2024 issue. It's a lot of words!
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I have, as well as a fine collection of poetry I've noted Paul Crenshaw's Cathedral and Sean Robinson's Pomegranate And The City Of Stories as highlights.
This bears repeating. Have you read the new Kaleidotrope? kaleidotrope.net
In other news, Kaleidotrope is only open to fiction and poetry submissions through July 31, so now would be a good time to send me something.
This bears repeating. Have you read the new Kaleidotrope? kaleidotrope.net
I’m not caught up on submissions, not hardly, but I’m less far behind than I would have thought.
A reminder: even if your story or poem only appeared on your personal website or in a public online forum, many magazines (Kaleidotrope included) consider that a previous publication. And many magazines (Kaleidotrope included) don't accept reprints.
Huh. This is maybe the first time I've been sent fan fiction. Amended the guidelines to explicitly say I don't accept that.
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Lots of submissions. Lots and lots of submissions.
Sorry I'm not at #Readercon again this year. Maybe again some day. I hope everyone's having a great and safe time!
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I'm having a rough day, so here's my poem," the Parts of Me They Trimmed," in @kaleidotrope.bsky.social's Summer 2024 issue for no particular reason really. kaleidotrope.net/summer-2024/...
“The Parts of Me They Trimmed” by Amanda Cookkaleidotrope.net
Well, this is probably the first time I've had to admonish *myself* to read my guidelines. 😜 Oops! In my defense, that's a fairly recent addition that I put in when I told people they could skip the mailing address and phone number. (Which plenty of people still include, by the way!)
Those are the writers reading the guidelines (where it says to include country you're writing from is welcomed)
This is very sad news, but 100 issues—and some fantastic fiction—is a great legacy to leave behind!
Metaphorosis' next issue will be our 100th - and last. Metaphorosis magazine closes at the end of 2024 after a nine year run. magazine.metaphorosis.com/editorial/20...
Metaphorosis’ next issue will be our 100th – and lastmagazine.metaphorosis.com The end of the story – Metaphorosis closes after issue #100.
Anecdotally, I'm noticing an uptick in the number of writers explicitly telling me in their cover letters that they're from the US.
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Several paths diverge in a wood. Which will be the first one you take today? kaleidotrope.net
This reading period isn't even half over and, by my count, I've already received over 600 submissions.
Yes, an editor might reject your story. But—and here's the thing—they might not.
Wow did a lot more submissions come in overnight.
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okay i know you’re not supposed to respond to rejections ever, but what if i just send this?
Several paths diverge in a wood. Which will be the first one you take today? kaleidotrope.net