
I actually think the funniest thing about Erenville is that he's constantly lugging around a 300 pound backpack like if he put that thing down it'd be like rock lee taking off the weights he could punt someone in the chest and send them straight to ultima thule. He just chooses not to.
I for one am delighted to have a personal pretty bunboy cheerleader following us around and I cannot understand why some folks are mad he doesn't fight. Him booking it out of there every time a fight seems about to start is comedy gold.
I love this about him, he's like "Fuck this, she's the Warrior of Light, she does not need my wimpy ass to help."
I wanna take him along on trusts but all he does is point out cool animal facts.
He just stops at points jn the dungeon and scrambles away like a Scooby-Doo character and we get in a fight