
Nintendo Power was less of a shill.
Don’t you dare lump Nintendo Power in with this moron.
Nintendo Power had brutal game reviews until late in the N64's life.
Honestly, I subscribed from about fall ‘99 until the magazine shuttered in 2012, and I cannot think of a game they scored that was vastly out of sync with the rest of the gaming media. If anything, sometimes they elevated more obscure stuff, like when Elite Beat Agents got ranked best DS game ever.
When they were still on the 10.0 scale (until around 1999?), the best they ever gave out was like a 9.7 for OoT. Many, many things got a 5.5 or lower.
I think that’s why they ended up making the switch to the five star scale: soooooo many games got brutally killed when it was out of 10. But even when they switched over, I don’t recall them ever steering me towards anything bad.
God I loved reading Nintendo Power. The covers were always fantastic. I just remember it having such a strong visual language.
Man, I loved that magazine. I don’t think I’d be a video game journalist today if it weren’t for that magazine. NP and EGM had such a huge impact on me as a teen.
That *is* a great fucking game
I had no idea it was that good and had no plans on buying it. Totally bought it as a result of that article and it was such a good decision. Love that game. Needs a revival in the Switch era.
I first subscribed at the start of 1990 and stayed with it (minus a few lapses when I was in college) until the end. Yeah, they’d mention every game even in the early years, but the actual good ones got the most pages. And some of the most expensive/rarest NES games got BIG coverage.
The worst I can say about the magazine is that it could be prudish with some M-rated games, and that didn’t help the company’s image. They’d have no issue covering Resident Evil, but Conker’s Bad Fur Day barely got a mention (understandably) and Eternal Darkness (bafflingly) got no coverage.
I think the issue with Conker and Eternal Darkness is that Nintendo Power, having built itself on tips and tricks more than anything else, had strategy guides for both games (the N64 era was when they really leaned into first party guides), and too much might take away from the big $15 guide.
Going off memory (since I’ve been forced to sell my near-complete collection), I think RE2 got a Now Playing mention that it was a tech marvel, but it was otherwise very undersold in there, and I think it may have been because NP was still run by the people who started it when NOA was kid friendly.
Oh, it was definitely to keep the magazine family friendly, from what my colleagues told me. That changed dramatically by the time I joined a few years later.
The FutureUS years were some of Nintendo Power’s best, IMO, in part because of those changes.
Fantastic years! Loved the redesign. It felt like the magazine had gotten older with the audience. It also really reflected the start of the Wii era.
Thanks for saying so! The changes with the 2005 redesign were what convinced me that’s where I wanted to be. Dang, almost 20 years ago…!
Nintendo Power led me to give The World Ends with You a shot, may be my favorite Squenix RPG ever. Great magazine.