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Host of all podcasts. Independent Journalist. Top 0.001 Meme Creator and Memeology Influencer. Hollywood’s Ultimate Insider.
I feel like the level of ritual humiliation they have to go through is both correct and also can only come from a nation that has a 1,500 year history of jesters throwing pies at the nations biggest nerd
jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava
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(Power sued somebody for calling her a Nazi on Twitter. During discovery she turned over WhatsApp messages, some of which were about her love of Mein Kampf. She also turned out to be using a groyper Twitter alt to hassle people. She is now bankrupt and even cryptofash Compact Mag doesn’t want her.)
We doing Richard Dawkins posts
okay yes, but what about:
I love the Welsh
I meant to attach this from the BBC
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not sure why it felt right to revisit Cobra on the 4th but I'm glad I did it. almost forgot how fun and funny this movie is
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bittersweet to see this Conservative member of parliament lose his seat. Michael Fabricant you may be the craziest white boy on Earth
Quit virtue signaling to your scared dog, that dog is woke, that dog has pRoNoUnS tHaT aRe FiDo/BaRkY
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The Minions canonically served the Confederacy
Joe Biden there’s one way to shut up the New York Times
look if this country is going to have insane authoritarian leaders can we at least get one with a little showmanship
Imagining a powerful mid-90’s Bruce Springsteen anthem called American Beavis
Feeling despair at the world and something that no bullshit made me feel a little better was giving ten bucks to support someone’s work on Patreon. Not that it’s a big deal but being able to go “oh I like this, I want more of this in the world” made me feel like I had .00000001% control of things.
The real heroes of this website are the people who don’t get involved in any of the weird parasocial stuff and just go “here is my floofy dog”
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This is how everyone should use this website
Never really clicked with a Souls game before but I like Sekiro an awful lot, mostly because the entire game doesn’t look like it smells like feet
You have 300 characters to make a post and yes I expect you to have preemptively addressed every complicated moral issue that could be raised by your post. This one took me 211 characters but I managed to do it.
Worlds going to hell but a ray of sunshine is that the Tories got obliterated in England and there’s going to be so many pictures of little fancy guys in bowties crying that it’s going to make us all feel better
The NYT op-ed guy looks like Phillip Seymour Hoffman starring in two separate films about a man on a registry
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holy shit did people know this????
For me it’s not that I’m either ok or not ok with Biden as a candidate it’s that my brain cannot rationalize that the media has so uniformly freaked out about him while remaining comparatively serene about all the other far worse stuff in the past two weeks.
Joe Biden reassuring voters that he’s fit to be President by eating 170 hot dogs on camera. What’s weird is he doesn’t have any water and he’s putting relish on each one
It’s another national Holiday and Jamelle Bouie is spending time telling people with 10 followers to fuck off on Bluesky. I cannot stress how much this man represents our collective posting id
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Burst out laughing at this post, nearly dropped my phone
One of the ways you can tell that google is absolutely cooked is that you used to be able to look up “worst July 4th tweets” and get embarrassing memorable tweets from celebrities and brands and now if you do it it’s lbuzzdotgelaffZone tweets like Neighbor: no u can’t drink beer and fireworks Me:
Hey welcome to my swamp, got my little stick here, lots of frogs, cave where you meet yourself. *R2D2 noises* Well hey there it’s robot Kevin. How the hell you doing man? …*20 uninterrupted seconds of him staring directly ahead* …anyways I can move things with my mind, ain’t that a thing
honestly they’re kinda cooking with this
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Eventually Tiedrich is going to be the least problematic person on here and we’ll have to drop the ironic part of liking him and just like him
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why the fuck not, bernie? whats stopping you