
So, here's the lowdown: While no single alliance is currently projected to have enough seats to form a French government, the one with the largest number of seats is the leftist alliance. Instead of the right gaining, the left did. And the centrists got kicked on both sides.
Le Pen's Nazi Lite party picked up some seats, but not nearly enough to form a full government. At most, she's looking at 155. That's out of 577, and you need 289 outright to form a government. The leftists are projected to win 215, with the centrist the rest.
So Macron did indeed get utterly humiliated by this result, but not how the press was expecting. Instead of the hard right making sweeping gains, an alliance of Socialists and Greens are coming out with the strongest hand. Humiliation AND a left government. Win/win!
Currently the "crisis" (as the press is putting it) is forming a government with less than 289 seats. But that problem is on the centrists to decide if they want to piss off voters further by standing in the way of a leftist government, or face reality.
For us in the United States (Allegedly), that means two of our closest historic allies just made VERY LOUD STATEMENTS that they're swinging leftward. Not sure how that's going to shake out but I do like Nazis to feel isolated and penned in (no pun intended).
Behold, the wonderful unifying power of "oh, *fuck those assholes!*"
Almost seems like we should all vote en masse for the party pushing ranked choice voting, which actually would make third parties viable! That seems like it would be a lot easier than a revolution.
A lot of people are very, very sick of the bull shit. And they’re voting accordingly.
Each Passing day further proves, that we have more in common than that which divides us. We consent to be governed, we do not wish to be ruled.