
Gotta say, even my largely politics-is-not-for-me relatives on Facebook are having a fucking conniption over the SCOTUS ruling. My uncle posted "We left England because we don't want a King. Charles is an inbred." I'm not sure what one has to do with the other, but he's right.
I really hope everyone stays that pissed for the next five months or saying stuff like that could go from an offhand comment to brave dissent
I dunno, this feels a lot like 2022 when SCOTUS overturned Roe. Republicans were not prepared for how pissed women would be, even Republican women!
If it helps, Trumpism has lost every single election since 2017. Every single one. The only reason Trump won in 2016 is because without having any experience in politics you could sort of believe whatever you wanted about Trump. SCOTUS has made the stakes of schedule F much more clearer.