John McDermott

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John McDermott

PonyEnglish on most sites. Writes a bit. Does some comedy. Acted in things.
Avatar I’m trying to source a story you told about a taxi driver asking you what you do for a living and when he lists off different genres you reply with a “yes”. Do you know where I can find it?
Avatar can you confirm if Kashi from Dead Boy Detectives is the stowaway from Sandman 53?
Avatar When you wrote The Sound of Her Wings all those years ago, did you know that Washington Square Park was formerly a potters field, purportedly a gallows, and that currently 20,000 bodies rest under Washington Square?
Avatar I just finished The Great Cities Duology series (loved it), and had a wonderful trip through How Long ‘Til Black Future Month! I now dream of seeing your name on a Sandman Universe comic. Thank you for your amazing stories!
Hey, I help mod your Reddit page, and I just wanted you to see how many people came this year to interact with it. Thanks for being you! I hope your year has been fantastic, and we can’t wait to see what next year brings.
Avatar I just finished your Wild Hunt run on Lucifer; it’s fantastic! I’m curious if the Endless that thwarted Lucifer is Desire.
What if witches offered online services? Here’s my take.
Avatar I picked up this copy of Season of Mists and would love to know more about it! Do you remember who Diana is? Was this from a special event signing?
Avatar is this the same Dora from The Dreaming, or a different Dora altogether?
Avatar Today, I found out that platypuses spend up to eight hours a day in rem sleep. Which means they’re in the Dreaming much longer than humans. Anyway, I laughed the whole time while drawing a platypus Morpheus.
End of feed.