
I keep meeting people who think I’m currently a professor. Wow. I’m never sure whether to be flattered that people think I’m super human or irritated. They really truly think I can do alllll that I’m doing PLUS handle the insane load of teaching.
For the record: I was last a tenured associate-level professor at the University at Buffalo in 2017….then after trying to do it all nearly killed me, I went full-time writer and have been ever since. I’m a professor of practice at Arizona State (meaning I AM NOT TEACHING CLASSES!).
It’s impossible for me to teach right now with all that I’m doing. Impossible. I guess those who truly understand all I’m doing now understand that.
So I don’t have to keep repeating myself (Though, I I’m pretty clear): I’m not talking about being called a professor. I’m aware of the honorific; I don’t mind that and I’m used to that. I’m talking about people asking me about whether they can take my classes and what’s in my current syllabus.
I cannot stress how ridiculous it is to think I’m doing both what I’m doing now (I’m juggling completing a novel 2025, novella trilogy first one out in August, a graphic novel 2025, three screenplays, writing a lecture series, and a forward for a book) *AND* a professor teaching classes. 🤦🏾‍♀️
It's rare to meet a writer who doesn't have a day-job or some other means of supporting themselves aside from writing.
I’m rare. Yes. But I said what I said. Assuming the impossible instead of looking at the facts in front of you is odd and annoying.
Especially when you’re working your ass off and people come thinking you have a whole other career ON TOP of that. It belittles what I’m actually doing.
Facts are always interpreted, the interpretation is not in the facts, but in the mind of the interpreter. A creation that is consistent with the things we observe