Nnedi Okorafor, PhD

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Nnedi Okorafor, PhD


*THE* Naijamerican PhD-holding, World Fantasy, multi-Hugo, Nebula, Eisner Award-winning, New York Times bestselling rudimentary cyborg writer
True. Esp apparent to an American who’s lived in places where ‘oldness’ is not despised or feared and generations mix freely. Where spaces contain 80 year olds and 50 year olds and 25 year olds and no one doubts that all could have a good conversation.
Americans have a real problem with older people and the concept of aging. The culture is rife with ageism. It’s going to official bite us in the ass if we don’t address it. Wow.
I don’t want or need your sympathy. Nor does my mom. We are fine. Just let me SPEAK.
Americans have a real problem with older people and the concept of aging. The culture is rife with ageism. It’s going to official bite us in the ass if we don’t address it. Wow.
Neptune just heard the first firework. He ran upstairs & probably won't be down until...until the fireworks stop. I hope I can get him to eat his dinner (he's a little pig, so that is likely, just while under my bed). It's only 6pm and the sun won't set for another hour and half!
Yep. 😊 Here are two Phoenix-area events that I have coming up:
Do you do any special release events here in Phoenix for your books?
I got home around 2 AM last night and just before I went inside, I saw a great horned owl fly by, 😃!!!!! I love owls!! 😃 What a grand welcome home, 😃. Also saw a ton of nighthawks at what I call my “nighthawk tree”. I’m still smiling about it all.
What’s been said to me: “I am voting for Trump because I like his policies.” Riiiiight. 😒 Suuuuure that’s your reason. Mmmmhm. Also, if you can’t trust the guy to behave rationally and do what he says he’ll do, what’s the point? [that’s a rhetorical question].
I wonder who’s coming through. 🤖or 👽 or 🕷️ or 🦉?
Is it too much to ask for a TV series with a nuanced unique story that is not centered around murder, police, detectives or romance and has central female characters of different ages who are physically and ideologically diverse?
Periwinkle the Space Cat looking regal on the new rug. This rug was called "Old Crow" at the story I bought it from and I love that.
My forthcoming novel DEATH OF THE AUTHOR has a UK publisher, 😊. They described it as a "tour-de-force"; I like that, heh.
Gollancz signs Nnedi Okorafor's 'future classic'www.thebookseller.com Gollancz has signed Nnedi Okorafor's "tour-de-force", the Death of the Author.
This was the 1st time I held a bound copy (an early reading copy) of DEATH OF THE AUTHOR. I was at the HarperCollins headquarters for an event in New York. Such a surreal moment. 🥹 This novel was 30 years in the making. Ah, I did it, 😊.
I’m rare. Yes. But I said what I said. Assuming the impossible instead of looking at the facts in front of you is odd and annoying.
I keep meeting people who think I’m currently a professor. Wow. I’m never sure whether to be flattered that people think I’m super human or irritated. They really truly think I can do alllll that I’m doing PLUS handle the insane load of teaching.
Here are the covers (yep, there are two) of my forthcoming novel DEATH OF THE AUTHOR (@HarperCollins, January 2025). The page edges are going to be sprayed blue…perfect for my drawings when I sign them, 😊🌀!! Note: There is a lot of story in the art details, 😉.
I am on the cover of Publishers Weekly! I’VE NEVER BEEN FEATURED ON A MAGAZINE COVER BEFORE. 🤯🫨 Oh my goodness!! 🥹
I’m in New York for a minute and I signed these at Books Are Magic in Brooklyn. 😊
It’s all good, as long as I’m having a good time writing it, 😁.
Am I the only one who doesn’t laugh at this image? The handcuffs will slip right off his hands because of “the way he is built”. Is that visual metaphor on purpose? 😳 Or am I reading too much into the image?
When I’m overwhelmed, I stop everything and watch classic science fiction films I love, like 2001: A Space Odyssey and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Today, I’m watching Contact.
This headline makes me...u-n-c-o-m-f-o-r-t-a-b-l-e. But, yes, I changed the title of this novel. The story is MUCH bigger than the conversation around africanfuturism (plus, many seem unable to spell the word or leave it as one word). DEATH OF THE AUTHOR is the *perfect* title for MANY reasons.
Nnedi Okorafor Changes the Title of Her Million-Dollar Novel to "Death of the Author"brittlepaper.com Nigerian-American Africanfuturist writer Nnedi Okorafor has finally revealed the new title of her forthcoming fiction, and it is Death of the Author. She announced the change on May 31 on Instagram, i...
My brother told me that today a cicada landed on his shoulder, screamed and then flew away. I love cicadas so much, 😁.
I watched The Holdovers with my daughter last night (she’s 20) and she really enjoyed it. 😊 I love introducing her to movies that I know she’d never watch otherwise. When she loves them, it just gives me the warm fuzzies. Also, I love that film so much.