
In the past four days we've witnessed two fine examples of what can happen when voters themselves take the lead, but on this side of the pond we seem happy to be slouching towards Bethlehem, driven like rough beasts whipped by the pundit class.
They seem to forget that 75 million voted for Harris for VP in 2020 and then voted for her again for VP in the Democratic primary this year, but sure let’s infuriate your most reliable base by picking a white dude with no such claims.
This is so awkward with the NATO Summit upon us this week! Who knows how he will be in private meetings! The public press events will be short and I assume tightly scripted with teleprompter but still … what if he loses it in a q&a . What then ? Does he blame it on the heat?! What a mess.
2nd guy is a venture capitalist…no need to say more🤪🫣🤷🏻‍♂️
What's the cutoff date for a POTUS/VP ticket change on the general election ballot? I imagine after August, given the DNC dates - but some states have bizarre deadlines & rules that suggest their deadlines already elapsed? (maybe only for independent candidates?)
Would need to be done before the DNC, but I don’t think it’s a serious option.
Whatever works. Just make the end game - no more #45.