
Heard a Democratic member of Congress on cable news counter the dire polling data by pointing out how loud a Wisconsin crowd had cheered at a recent Biden rally. Maybe replacing him now would be worse. I don't know. But it does feel like his defenders aren't grasping the extent of the problem.
I feel like too many people on here are not facing the facts about the extremely desperate and dismal electoral situation Biden is in. If you just take the states where Trump is up MORE THAN THREE POINTS in the polling average (a massive lead), he's already got the Electoral College locked.
That's like arguing Biden has more people at his boat parades. Honestly, the answer is to go not dirty, but hard. Do a Stormy Daniels ad, run it for a week, and see what happens to numbers.
I'd do endless ads that are nothing but video and pull quotes from every member of Trump's first administration who now says he's unfit to serve.
That would work on me, I just have this hunch that not for his base, but for suburban people, being reminded he is gross would move more. But they could do both!
he stole from a charity! it's a special kind of lowlife that does that
Cut them side by side so you see Trump praising them when he hired them (since he only hired the very best people) followed by them saying he’s unfit for office. Run that shit on loop and buy up every possible ad space
And another on the appointees who Trump now attacks, and a third on the ones who were convicted of crimes and/or disbarred. That's everyone except Mnuchen