tom rawls

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tom rawls

old man, surved cancer, wrote a book, still run a chainsaw,
re important things that matter: some NFL training camps open this week. Eagles show up next week. Go Birds!
the Biden business is an example of basic human nature: Our strong tendency to avoid dealing with a difficult situation until . . . damn, did I put that off too long?
waiting for the only news that matters: update on Bryce Harper's hamstring injury
Margarent Sullivan, esteemed journalist, comments on WaPo reorg: "Each of our three newsrooms will be led by an outstanding white male, which we feel is especially appropriate in Washington DC. If these three newsrooms are successful, we will consider a fourth and fifth." ouch!
it has grown still and quiet, but for the cooing of a single dove . . . and the buzzing of tinnitus in my ears
why does the moon want to block the sun? is it envious?
eclipse update: "The line for Tesla charging stations at the Price Chopper in West Lebanon, NH, just across the Vermont border, had stretched from the lot next to the grocery store out onto the main thoroughfare by 11 a.m."
the phoebe has returned. it is sitting on the clothesline, twitching its tail feathers.
weather in the 40s, and a flock of gold finches have arrived. they're dull yellow, so still not in spring color
HEDADLINE: "Jamie Dimon believes U.S. debt is the ‘most predictable crisis’ in history" would one of you who's friends with Jamie whisper "climate change" in his ear?
what the world needs now if far more journalistic speculation about the nfl draft, which is less than 2 months away, and far less speculative opining about the presidential election, which is way off in the distant and dim future
Dems need a new candidate. Joe is so fucked. Spec counsel won't prosecute because Joe is just: "a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory"
do you know the average price of a Super Bowl ticket? I just read about it. It can't be true.
re the guy who beheaded his dad, my son notes with a hint of sympathy to the killer: "father prolly always tellin' him how he could improve"
rereading Shakespeare and rediscovering the Elizabethan world view known as The Great Chain of Being. Medieval heirarchy: That's basically what Republicans believe.
what the big deal about Musk's brain chip. Didn't I get several of them with my Covid vaccines?
extraordinary the amount of money and effort the Swiss have dedicated to continuing to enable cows, sheep, and goats to pasture high in the Alps during the summer. In the U.S., we've gone the other way, at least with cows, penning large herds inside on concrete
As Switzerland’s Glaciers Shrink, a Way of Life May Melt Rising temperatures and retreating glaciers threaten Europe’s water tower, forcing local farmers to adapt and presaging larger troubles downstream.
NYTimes reviews men's blue jeans in Wirecutter. Don't mention Prison Blus, so you can safely ignore everything they say
please explain why Joe and the Democrats shouldn't ask every Republican woman: why would you vote for a rapist?
NY Times headline that is true: "As Users Abandon X, Sports Twitter Endures" i no longer visit the sewer, but Bluesky is woeful when it comes to sports stuff, which--let's be honest--is veryveryvery important
things aren't going to improve until adult men stop wearing their hats backward
smart writer wrote that trump future amin will be: "loyalists and authoritarians or authoritarian-enablers" i recommend the big brains use words like "pawns" and "stooges." not fancy words, but simple words with strong negative connotation so reader can easily understand.
if trump can get elected saying the things he's saying, then the electorate is giving him permission to be a dictator