
This is an image of precisely where we are, Trump is blatantly, blatantly lying. Biden isn't hitting back -- strongly. And here we are.
I really want Biden to take two minutes to say: Listen, I came here in good faith to debate you. What I am getting in response is literally a firehose of lies. This ought to be beneath you and it is not what the American public deserves—they deserve the truth and a reality-based discussion.
CNN should be ashamed but they won’t be, zero fact checking as Trump fills the airwaves with blatant lies. We should be embarrassed and terrified as a nation.
In my misguided youth I worked on the Reagan campaign in 1984. I was in college. A group of us gathered at local H.Q. and watched the first debate. When it was over all of us...the foot soldiers of the Reagan Revolution...were certain the Mondale had just clinched victory in November. (1/2)
Reagan looked like a doddering old man who (almost literally) couldn't find the Pacific Ocean. And look how that turned out. (2/2)