Vanessa Cardenas

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Vanessa Cardenas

Executive Director / Musings on disinfo, immigration, politics, Latino voters. #ShePersisted and Board
Pongamonos al día con las encuestas sobre inmigración. Nosotros hemos seguido este tema por varios años y la opinión pública es clara: los estadounidenses están en contra del caos NO en contra de los inmigrantes
Haitians fleeing violence and persecution require TPS protection, not deportations.  Amidst the dire situation in Haiti, including rampant insecurity and violence, it is essential to halt all deportation flights #TPSforHaiti #StopDeportations.
Appreciate @POTUS for calling on Congress to modernize our immigration system, but calling a human being “an illegal” is ugly a racist. We can fix immigration without stooping to the Republicans’ level.
And MTG doing what she does best which is using any possible moment to demonize immigrants.
Thank you @POTUS for condemning Trump for separating families, banning people based on race and religion & saying immigrants are poisoning the blood of America. This hateful rhetoric has no place in 🇺🇸. Immigrants = us and make our nation stronger! #SOTU
During #SOTU, immigration and the border will likely be addressed. We remain hopeful 🤞that @POTUS will use this opportunity to remind Americans that we are a nation of immigrants. More from me on what we can expect:
The need for immigration reform has never been more urgent. American voters want a balanced approach with a secure and orderly border and a pathway to citizenship for #DACA and TPS recipients and legal immigration channels. It’s long overdue #SOTU
CPAC & GOP plan is to court Latino voters in the US by cozying up to far-right leaders from LATAM like @JMilei, Bukele & Bolsonaro. That's a bad political strategy that shows a wide opening to fight for our votes.  #CPAC2024
Our statement on Biden's proposed executive actions on the border and asylum:
My #NY03 key takeaways: 1. GOP nativism again failed at ballot box 2. Tom_Suozzi “both/and” approach is critical - he didn’t just run as a border hawk but also endorsed citizenship: 3. Ds should highlight the dangers of Rs’ bigoted conspiracy and mass-deportation plans.
Demagoguing immigrants is core to Republicans’ electoral strategy, despite it failing to deliver in the last several election cycles. Their goal is to obstruct solutions as they have done for decades on immigration.
Votes happening on Mayorkas now. We'll be watching Rep. Salazar today. She's expressed doubts on targeting Mayorkas, but she appears to be in lockstep with Rs even when it paints a target on imm communities, including her own constituents. See
from Mayorkas impeachment "shows that the GOP now exists solely to please Trump...they are abusing Congress’ impeachment power to appease their MAGA members, score political points, and deflect Americans’ attention from their do-nothing Congress."
Today's sham impeachment of Sec. Mayorkas make us less safe. The GOP are amplifying deadly conspiracy theories linked to domestic terrorism while going after the official most in charge of keeping the nation safe.
“All this against the backdrop of a presumptive nominee for president repeatedly accusing immigrants of ‘poisoning the blood of our country’ – the same trope used to rally Germans against Jews in order to ‘protect their own blood.’”
In case you're wondering what exact conspiracy theories the GOP is using to impeach Mayorkas, here's a primer: TLDR: Great Replacement theory, invasions that will make America unrecognizable, etc. Being used against someone whose family had to flee from Nazis.
El voto en contra de @SecMayorkas, el primer latino en liderazgo @DHSgov, es solo otro juego político de parte de los republicanos. Es hora de poner un alto a los ataques en contra de inmigrantes como el secretario.
We're back to member statements. As you watch the impeachment proceedings, watch what R’s say.  They invoke fear, distort the truth and invoke deadly white nationalist conspiracy theories, all in an effort to divide our country.
In case you're wondering what exact conspiracy theories the GOP is using to impeach Mayorkas, here's a primer: TLDR: Great Replacement theory, invasions that will make America unrecognizable, etc. Being used against someone whose family had to flee from Nazis.
Former DHS leaders: Mayorkas impeachment jeopardizes national security. "To instead allow impeachments of cabinet officials over political disagreements would jeopardize our national security...Impeaching Mayorkas solves nothing and leaves our immigration system exactly where it is now — broken."
STARTING NOW: House votes on Sec. Mayorkas sham impeachment. Let’s be clear: Republicans say they want to impeach and “deport” Mayorkas. This is offensive, politically driven and constitutionally inaccurate.
Now on Bluesky: Executive Director Make sure to give her a follow for updates on immigration and more ✨
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