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"I kept saying I just wanted a friend.
and my only real emotion was just suffering until the end."
-Mary Timony
I think part of Friday night music nights was intended to help me put my collection in order but I think it's just made it worse. I think I need to start my database over, honestly. Don't start buying vinyl, friends.
"I don't know if I have a favorite musician but it's Mary Timony." Like, let's just be real.
I'm a good houseguest because I'll probably sign you into my streaming services. I know I'm also part of the problem, but given I'm one of my friend's designated pet-sitters and I have keys to her apartment ... well ...
Music theme for tomorrow night! Anything goes!
As of now, Comicsgirl is officially closed. The site will remain up for a couple more years (probably -- the domain is paid for through mid 2027) but it'll just be a static site. Truly, it's been done for a while and I knew that.
I wish for all good things for everyone for Free Comic Book Day tomorrow -- staff working the stores and people lining up to get comics! I'm a bit out of that world now but it used to be one of my favorite (if exhausting) days of the year. Have fun!
Me: I like that linen is on trend right now because it's great. Friend: I think it's always been popular with women in there 40s and 50s and that's just us now. I think both things are true but ... yeah.
It's possible I knew of Alma Thomas before but I saw one of her paintings today (Pansies in Washington) and it captured my heart hard. There is an exhibit of her work at the SAAM which I should go see soon.
Composing Color: Paintings by Alma Thomasamericanart.si.edu
This is fun. And there are a lot of ways you can play & you can decide your rules. www.cinephilegame.com
Who are your favorite women visual artists? Any style/era/etc. I'm looking for inspiration.
I like using my daily art as my phone wallpaper. I don't change it every day but just when I like something I've done. The insta is edencosmic_art
I listen to my vinyl collections on Friday nights (mostly) and I add a song per album (mostly). Follow along if you'd like.
2024open.spotify.com 2024 · Playlist · 37 songs
So usually when watching a movie, I'll light a scented candle. This is just a part of my nightly routine. Sometimes I'll switch partway through the movie or just snuff it out. But I do try to match the scent to the mood of the movie. It's an immersive experience.
I'm not sure how "music nights are so I listen to my extensive vinyl collection" has turned into "oh no I need to spend more money on vinyl" but that's kind of what this hobby is. Seriously, you think comics collecting is bad. It's got nothing on this.
Music night will be tomorrow. It's a three-day weekend and I have no idea what day it is anyway. (Yes, I know it's Friday.)
I think tomorrow's music night is just going to be freeform. Give me ideas or keywords or concepts or whatever and I'll see what I can do.
My hair is doing that thing where it's looking really good right before I have a hair cut scheduled. This is actually a good sign, though.
This is delightfully chaotic. And I think being delightfully chaotic is a 2024 vibe.
Remember when the half-time show was Up With People? I am not a particular Usher fan but he's selling this. I love it.
I always feel awkward messaging Etsy sellers because I know they get a ton of weird people wanting them to solve problems outside of their control and that's not me.
Brett Whitcomb & Bradford Thomason are such under-appreciated documentarians. I love every movie they've made. They're great at telling stories that need to be told in a way they deserve to be told.
A while ago I decided I wanted to be the sort of person who owned a punch bowl, so made that happen. It's good to know someone who owns one if you don't.
Finally, about 7 episodes into the 5th season, they started mentioning Rhoda again on The Mary Tyler Moore Show. I partially wonder if they were waiting to see if the spinoff worked (otherwise they'd bring her back).
Wonka makes way more sense for existing when you look at it through the lens of "by the person who directed all the episodes of The Mighty Boosh."