
ugh, art engagement on twitter and instagram is still pure crap. This site is not always great for it but it's still better than both those places
as always, trying to just ignore it, it just sucks because nothing I post does well, and it's been that way for years
I keep hearing from people they haven't seen me post in months, which is aggravating af, it means these hellsites are hiding me
I don't really know what causes people to be "shadow banned" as they call it, I feel it's counter intuitive and stupid Some people claim certain words in the posts trigger it, but I've never checked that myself. Fuck Twitter either way though
yeah I don't think I've ever been shadowbanned, but I know from the breakdown of twitter's mechanics why the site punishes my reach. Biggest one would be political posting (they knock you down for certain topics) and all the blocks that fighting with fascists has gained me