A. Marmot 🌱

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A. Marmot 🌱


pixels + posting + politics
art + social links: https://linktr.ee/aminusko
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thanks to @/ohDaveio on twitter for this, it's perfect and it just might work,
[turning sexily toward the camera] arte.... du pixél
consider pivoting to thirst trap posting* to get the reach I deserve**
consider pivoting to thirst trap posting* to get the reach I deserve**
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yeah I don't think I've ever been shadowbanned, but I know from the breakdown of twitter's mechanics why the site punishes my reach. Biggest one would be political posting (they knock you down for certain topics) and all the blocks that fighting with fascists has gained me
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I don't really know what causes people to be "shadow banned" as they call it, I feel it's counter intuitive and stupid Some people claim certain words in the posts trigger it, but I've never checked that myself. Fuck Twitter either way though
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ugh, art engagement on twitter and instagram is still pure crap. This site is not always great for it but it's still better than both those places
and fwiw I will always boost your art! You can even dm me if you really want a boost on something
Reposted byAvatar A. Marmot 🌱
Yeah I barely ever see your stuff on Twitter 😕 it's gotten so much worse
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anyway follow me on Instagram @ heyy_minus , please. You all know my twitter account but fuck that site
Reposted byAvatar A. Marmot 🌱
It bothers me, the way it's all been designed around business buzzwords like "engagement" and "audience development" rather than community and, well, being social.
I’ve been thinking recently, about how the problem with social media algorithms elsewhere is that they’re made by capitalists. They’re aimed at Monetization™︎ so they’re all about reaching new people and growing an audience rather than maintaining a community or friend group.
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check out the reel and follow me on instagram. I like to make odd little reels on therefor my art😸
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This could be you if you bought my pixel art prints! (simulation only) inprnt.com/gallery/a-mi...
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if I make even one sale that would be amazing
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all my art is on sale, too, like for as cheap as $7.50 for the small prints
This could be you if you bought my pixel art prints! (simulation only) inprnt.com/gallery/a-mi...
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I keep hearing from people they haven't seen me post in months, which is aggravating af, it means these hellsites are hiding me
Reposted byAvatar A. Marmot 🌱
as always, trying to just ignore it, it just sucks because nothing I post does well, and it's been that way for years
ugh, art engagement on twitter and instagram is still pure crap. This site is not always great for it but it's still better than both those places
Reposted byAvatar A. Marmot 🌱
Time for an ARTSHARE folks!! ⚔️Drop your ART below! Any kind of art! ⚔️Say hi or tag a friend! ⚔️Re-post this to reach more peeps! 🤢NO A/I DUH! I’m caitliwinx and I love drawing babes and junk!!
hey my name is josh. here are some of my fav artists on here @zoetreez.bsky.social @aminus.bsky.social @annijyn.bsky.social heres some of my own art. i’m inspired by squigglevision, anime, various pop art, etc
all my art is on sale, too, like for as cheap as $7.50 for the small prints
This could be you if you bought my pixel art prints! (simulation only) inprnt.com/gallery/a-mi...
Reposted byAvatar A. Marmot 🌱
This could be you if you bought my pixel art prints! (simulation only) inprnt.com/gallery/a-mi...
Reposted byAvatar A. Marmot 🌱
kinda reminds me of Marmot's Elden Ring
back when Elden Ring first came out and everyone was talking about it, I made this quick pixel art of what I guessed it was about
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literally this is what goes thru my head whenever i hear "elden ring"
ring that makes you old
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for Portland-area folks, here are resources from Multnomah County on dealing with the heat wave, including cooling centers - stay safe and hydrated www.multco.us/hot
Help for When It's Hotwww.multco.us Information about cool spaces, cooling centers and other resources during the hot weather.
bad sleep creates tired men tired men create solid afternoon naps solid naps create late night wakefulness late night wakefulness creates bad sleep
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human candidates Biden and Trump have been replaced by Robo-Biden and Robo-Trump, eliminating fears about their health but their politics are just as terrible. Each robot candidate is only five feet tall and has very prominent robot nipples
but they do each have the strength of five gorillas
human candidates Biden and Trump have been replaced by Robo-Biden and Robo-Trump, eliminating fears about their health but their politics are just as terrible. Each robot candidate is only five feet tall and has very prominent robot nipples