
Also, Biden isn't running against the NYT. Running against the media really doesn't work unless your opponents are Republicans in a Republican primary.
My Solomonic view is that NYT—perhaps the president’s primary persecutor recently—showed its whole ass with this swiss-cheese Parkinson’s specialist story. It’s blatantly copied from right-wing charlatans, unvetted. And a nimbler White House and campaign would be making it pay dearly for that.
I agree with Southpaw here, but will note that it will not work on the media writ large unless there are others who "show their ass" as NYT appears to have done.
Yeah, this is why I'm a skeptic - the campaign is flailing. It's like we're now saying we should act like Trumpers - accuse all media of being fake, call everyone who disagrees with us traitors, run against "Elites". Is that going to win those swing state voters?