
My Solomonic view is that NYT—perhaps the president’s primary persecutor recently—showed its whole ass with this swiss-cheese Parkinson’s specialist story. It’s blatantly copied from right-wing charlatans, unvetted. And a nimbler White House and campaign would be making it pay dearly for that.
This context- that the doctor has been visiting frequently since 2012, with **unknown** numbers of visits when the middle administration rescinded the open visitor log policy, was completely ignored when writing the headline
And the reason we didn't know about that when Trump was 'president' is because Trump WH didn't release the visitor logs!
Resisting the urge to make a Dr Cannard is a *quack* joke. Not enough francophones on this site yet.
Canard -
Romance language surnames just keep winning
absolutely massive journalistic malpractice all because daddy sulzberger is angy the biden administration won't kiss the ring
that last part is the part that stings. Dems need to hit the NYT & not back down.
They should put out a press release listing the experts who have visited the Whitehouse this month and all the related problems that POTUS must have as a result. Economists, he's broke. Climate scientists, he's having hot flashes. And so on.
I could see the press running with HE ADMITS HE'S BROKE AND HAVING HOT FLASHES, though.
I'm down for that. What's an example of making them pay and how would it work?
For the press secretary to come to the briefing room prepared: point out where the story originated, point out that the president wasn’t at the WH for most or all of the day on the dates of several of the purported meetings, and perhaps do the leg work to reveal what the purpose of the meetings was.
white house press team literally do fucking anything challenge
Do it. Shame these cretins.
They literally started screaming at her and having tantrums while she tried to explain the privacy and security concerns
That was clearly what White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was saying over the literal screaming of the immature White House press corps divas, despite privacy and security concerns, even helping them "connect the dots" that the neurologist and medical unit treat military personnel there
holy shit they're insufferable "but what about, uh, can you confirm that the president doesn't have a brain eating amoeba? how about what if someone pointed a microwave dish at him for ten minutes or so could he be slightly microwaved? why won't you answer our questions"
Does it get any better after the 43:00 mark? Because this is concerning and I don't have the stamina to keep listening.
Ha I was mostly listening to the John Kirby portion about Gaza, I only kept watching to see if she brought up the Parkinson’s EO. So the back-and-forth about privacy was kinda in one ear, out the other.
The WH could also talk about the NYT not being fair to him. Talk about the number of stories NYT published after the debate on various topics, or cite what AG Sulzberger has said about Biden owing NYT an interview.
I suspect the reason the White House has not gone on direct offense against the Times is this: "Dunn is the White House communications director who announced her resignation yesterday. She had initiated the effort to delegitimize Fox News..." [2010]
The mao-maoing of Anita Accusations that White House communications director Anita Dunn is a left-wing ideologue have no credibility. But that doesn't mean they haven't been successful.
Link doesn't load for me, all I get is a wall of broken ads. Can you tl;dr it or is there a different URL that might work better?
Missing Jen Psaki right about now.
Better yet, have Biden do this instead of Karine. He can punch down at them while also demonstrating his ability to extemporaneously speak about something critical of himself.
Biden should cancel his subscription, for starters
Which is the main concern most people have with Biden and his campaign. It's not nimble enough to take on the right wing propaganda machine or bad faith reporting - not his actual mental acuity, which the press has fixated on. Hence the gulf in media hot takes and the general public's view.
But “toss the nominee in July because we hate his comms strategy” is…not a good fix.
Is his comms strategy going to win those crucial 70k voters, do you think? Beause sure, he'll get the popular vote, but that does not matter.
“We’re going to take an extraordinary action of tossing our nominee in July because we think he should fire a couple staffers”
And if he doesn't? It's a sign of the bigger problem. Team Biden have not shown they have what it takes to run the campaign that is required. Now I did see an excellent ad here in Wis where Biden was going off on Trump from that NC speech, but they need to be that way about the DC Media as well.
Which is an ordinary criticism. And probably a correct one. The problem has been for the past ten days we’ve been discussing an extraordinary response.
Would that qualify as malice in a defamation suit?
Could it qualify as malice? Maybe. Could it be proven? Never. Bad reporting is just bad reporting.
Could it be an illegal campaign contribution if someone on the inside could prove it was done to influence the election (the way Pecker admitted to spreading bad stories about Trump's rivals and performing catch and kills on stories reflecting poorly on Trump?)
No, this is reality. Not a Sorkin fever dream.
Pecker was guilty of this exact thing and admitted it. Are you saying it is a fever dream that anyone at the NYT would actually do such a dirty deed? Or a fever dream that anyone on the inside would admit to it the way Pecker did? Or a fever dream that it would ever be prosecuted?
Even in normal times, it's nearly impossible for a politician to sue for defamation. With this judiciary, it wouldn't be worth considering. Better to fight back by ripping the Times a new one in public discourse.
I’ve long wondered if one reason our media loves Republicans so much is because their sources charm the pants off of them by dishing them the dishy dirt. Bad boys asking them if they want to ditch chemistry class and steal a smoke under the bleachers.
They dish the dirt and by the truckload, plus package it for easy use. Media can work to find the truth or just present what’s handed to them. One approach takes work, one doesn’t AND guarantees more content & who knows maybe your own right wing show, column, book deal…
you're over-complicating it: trump is great for viewership
I’m sure that’s part of it. But our so-called liberal media found Republicans way more fun to cover long before Trump came on the scene.
To the extent it's a campaign issue vs a candidate issue, that lowers my confidence that Harris would fix things.
2016: Don't worry, Twitter commenters will be there to serve as a kind of Public Editor. (looks back at take, which has turned to dust and blown away in hot wind)
I agree, but I fully expect any pushback from Biden and his admin to be chronicled on page A23, below the fold.