
I bet the job of lifeguarding blows but the LIFESTYLE of it, where you all train together and fuck each other… that seems tight.
A friend summed up his life guarding career as no wins, no losses, 1 save.
I think the no wins covered that
I was a lifeguard at a scout camp in high school, so that was, um, not my experience. But one summer, they hired a female swim instructor to help out. She and the pool director started "training" together pretty quickly. AFAIK they're still together 30 years later.
Oh yeah not a camp or pool lifeguard. I’m strictly talking Baywatch shit
spinning the whistle on your fingers? You kidding me? One of the all time cool guy moves.
Spinning a whistle sitting on the same chair you'd been leaning against drinking moderately cold lowenbrau with a decent driftwood fire the night before is pretty much one of those things you'll think "...well, at least I..." like once a year or so when you're blue. Not sayin just sayin.
I was a bay guard when I was a teenager; salt water but kinda still. That job was chill as fuck and I got it with a two week certificate in advanced lifesaving from the Red Cross. My niece and nephew live back in that town and they both trained from age 8 to be ocean guards. That job is not chill.
Why Are You Attacking Me Iceberg dot GIF
My first 2 years at an all boys catholic high school, my summer job was doing maintenance work at the school. My last 2 were spent as a day camp lifeguard at the local lake and holy shit was that the best decision I’ve ever made.