Democracy Demands Transparency

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Democracy Demands Transparency

Lifelong Democrat who believes in equality. Avid reader & news junkie, except when turning it off to unlug. Spent career in financial services distribution. Managing Editor of & author of the On Wholesaling column & podcast host in 2024.
Who is watching the UEFA finals? I'm hoping for a win by England. It's been a long time since they've won anything. Big sports week for the UK.
Hey Bluesky, my apologies for the extended absence. Work life has gotten in the way. I hope everyone is well.
Jill and I took Teddi to the dog park this morning. She really seems to enjoy running around and exploring her environment. Whippets love to run. She is like a mini greyhound.
Today, I completed my 62nd trip around the sun. Sharing space with this little puppy is a wonderful way to spend my birthday.
Olbermann is on Bluesky!!! Life is good.
TRUMP ACTUALLY CALLS BIDEN “JOE BRIDE” in Milwaukee speech as campaign bosses LaCivita and Wiles reportedly panic ROGER STONE caught hinting Aileen Cannon will dismiss documents charges WILLIE MAYS dead, at 93 GET THE WEDNESDAY COUNTDOWN PODCAST:
TRUMP CALLS BIDEN "JOE BRIDE"; And Willie Mays Passes - 6.19.24 - Countdown with Keith SERIES 2 EPISODE 196: COUNTDOWN WITH KEITH OLBERMANN A-Block (1:44) SPECIAL COMMENT: Yesterday in Milwaukee the melting of Trump's brain reached - or at least neared - its completion. He called the ...
Teddi is trying to perfect her look as a baby kangaroo. Yeah, I know it's also called a Joey.
President Biden’s campaign on Monday began its most aggressive effort to accurately describe Donald Trump a felon after largely avoiding the subject by introducing a new TV ad that focuses on Trump's criminal conviction.
Biden Campaign Factually Describes Trump as a Convicted Democrats have been urging the president to more forcefully attack Donald Trump after his felony conviction by a New York jury.
I saw one of these new Tesla vehicles today. They are more ugly in person than in the photos.
Before it's too late, I want to wish all the dad's on Bluesky a Happy Father's Day.
Teddy decided to join me outside for a celebratory Father's Day cigar.
Alex Jones was ordered to liquidate his personal assets Friday, as a bankruptcy judge was still considering forcing him to sell his far-right website InfoWars to begin paying the roughly $1.5 billion in damages he owes for claiming the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax.
Alex Jones ordered to sell personal assets as InfoWars’ fate hangs in Courts have awarded Sandy Hook families nearly $1.5 billion in damages against Jones, who used his platform to peddle conspiracies about the school shooting.
Here's a Teddi update for anyone interested: Teddi seems to believe that Jill and I are her personal play toys. And I guess we are in the canine world she resides. BTW, her foster family did a great job with crate training. Not so much with feeding her human food. But, it is what it is. 😀
It is depressing when I look over an acct new to me, they seem interested & interesting-then come the “How dare the Jews” posts. Can everyone just try to imagine what they would want our govt to do if YOUR family members were hostages? Hate on Netanyahu, but leave peace loving Jewish ppl out of it.
Teddi Update: After spending most of the night under the covers of our bed, we are looking forward to a chill day. Hopefully, we can take a nice walk sometime this afternoon. But before then, Teddi decided to take a nap buried in some pillows.
Today was adoption day for Teddi. We are excited to have him home with us. And from the looks of it, Teddi seems to enjoy hanging with me.
I had an idea for a satire last night. The plan is to take a show like the Andy Griffith Show and/or Mayberry RFD & update the characters to present times where Andy, Floyd, Goober, Aunt Bee, etc. are all MAGAts. Of course, I've got no time to write it, but it kind of writes itself. Thoughts?
Meet the newest member of our family. Her name is Teddy, in honor of the movie Ted. Teddy is a Whippet mix and is very chill. We couldn't be more excited about her arrival.
I came across this piece while I was putting together today's edition of Advisor Squawk. As I am a total cynic, especially when reading this kind of puff piece, I'm just going to leave it here. It's suffice to say, I think the author is full of sh!t.
No, Corporate Greed Is Not The Cause Of Is corporate greed the cause of inflation? Learn why blaming corporations for higher prices is a flawed argument.
Avatar for the follow. I am also a Corgi lover.