
$100 on ebay right now... legit thinking this might be perfect for writing a novel.
The Hewlett Packard 200LX (1994).
Sure, my phone does more in the same size... but *real* buttons are ALWAYS better than virtual keyboards. Related, I miss my BlackBerry Android phone =/
My first two smartphones were the androids with the slideout keyboards and I'm furious that they didn't keep making them
3 or 4 phones ago I special ordered that BlackBerry Android phone from Canada. No wireless charging so it bricked when the charging port got wonky. I still have an OG blackberry but the trackball is busted and pre touchscreen
Oh I remember that they had that one! By then I'd resigned myself to just the touch screen (sob) but I do keep looking at little Bluetooth keyboards on Amazon
The screen was going anyway, but I had a Palm I really liked until the corgi puppies disassembled it.
I am craving a decent feature phone. I think something like a Blackberry might do ok these days.
It has such great cyberpunk aesthetic potential AND real buttons!
Gurl I've got a raspberry pi or two lying around let's build you a cyberdeck
Oh shit: alt text for image above is a small handheld computer, white with black keys, showing a text-only display. The machine is a square, maybe an inch think and 6 inches wide. Like a very small laptop that does not fold